TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 10 Solution & Explanation

Solution for TOEFL iBT Reading Practice Test 10


15. (D) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (B)  19. (C) 20. (B) 21. (D) 22. (A) 23. (C) 24. (B) 25. (A) 26. (D) 27. (B), (C), (F)

15. Rhetorical Purpose I (D)

Q. In paragraph 1, why does the author mention Iran?

Why? Iron is mentioned in order to explain how steel was made. The author mentions the historical importance of iron and how the steel-making process used iron. “-See 15{D)[lines 8-9]

16. Inference I (A)

Q. According to paragraph 1, what can be inferred about the availability of iron?

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 5-6. –See Clue 16(A)[lines –

Why Not? (B) Incorrect –See lines 5-6/(C), (D) Not supported

17. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 1, iron is changed into steel by

Why? -See Clue 17{B)[lines 8-11]

► … iron can be made into an even stronger material by removing the impurities and controlling its carbon content. The resulting material is known as steel.

18. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 2, the Bessemer converter was important because it

Why? —See Clue 18(B)[lines 18-21]

► The Bessemer process required only a half an hour to accomplish what had previously taken weeks, and the cost involved was greatly reduced.

Why Not? (A) Incorrect ~See lines 12-13/ (C) Not mentioned / (D) Incorrect «-See lines 24-25

19. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 3, vertical integration means

Why? -See Clue 19(C)[lines 37-40]

► … “vertical integration,” meaning that he attempted to control every stage of the steel production process.

Why Not? (A), (B) Not mentioned / (D) Incorrect —See lines 45-46

20. Rhetorical Purpose I (B)

Q. In paragraph 3, why does the author mention

Why? Andrew Carnegie is mentioned in order to explain that his introduction of vertical integration brought about innovation to the American steel industry. —See Clue 20(B)[lines 36-38,47-50]

21. Reference I (D)

Q. The word those in the passage refers to

Why? … sell steel supplies for prices cheaper than those of his competitors. ■•■See Clue 2HD)[lines 49-50]

22. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word  primary in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? main can replace primary in this context

primary adj. of ultimate importance

main adj. bigger or more important than other things

23. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word  transformation in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? change can replace transformation in this context

•  transformation. complete change in something

change n. process or result of something becoming different

24. Inference I (B)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 6 about Carnegie’s decision to hire Frick?

Why? (B) can be inferred from the information in lines 81-83. «-See Clue 24(B) mm

Why Not? (A). <C), (D) Incorrect -See lines 81-S3

25. Sentence Simplification I (A)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? While the early U.S. steel industry helped the economy expand and enabled some businesspeople, such as Andrew Carnegie, to acquire great wealth, // it also highlighted the uneasy relationship that was growing between American laborers and the corporations they worked under.

Why Not? (B)-(D) Not mentioned

26. Insert Text I [D]

Q. Look at the four squares [|] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [C] When Frick hired three hundred security guards to stop the strike, ten people were killed, and the National Guard of Pennsylvania was called in to control the situation. [D] This tragedy demonstrated a serious difference of interests between factory owners and employees—a discrepancy that was becoming a national trend.

► “This tragedy” in the-given sentence refers to “ten people were killed.

27. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points

Why? In American society, there were important changes that resulted when steel replaced iron as a construction material.


Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) In America, the steel industry created jobs and boosted the economy, and by 1910 the country had become the worldwide leader in steel production. Clue 27(B)[lines 51-54] These low steel prices contributed to American economic growth, and the development of the industry provided many new jobs.

[lines 60-63] America became the largest steel producer,… by 1910

(C) The poor working conditions that resulted from the American steel industry’s motivation to increase production and profits created a need for labor unions and safety regulations. Clue 27(C)[lines 67-70] The early steel industry’s focus on maximizing production and minimizing costs often came at the expense of the workers, [lines 74-77] In response to these dangerous working conditions, labor unions were formed to help establish safety regulations that would protect steel workers.
(F) The United States steel industry gave factory owners the chance to make tremendous profits, while demonstrating the value of labor unions to workers. Clue 27(F)[lines 104-106] As the steel industry inspired some people with dreams of becoming rich, it alerted others to the need for unions

► The whole passage focuses on the development of the early American steel industry and its influence.

And it follows that <(B) Development of American steel industry — (C) The poor working conditions of steel industry workers and the need for safety regulations —* (F) Significance of the development of American steel industry) *See minor


1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (A) 11. (A) 12.(C) 13.0 14. (B), (D), (F)

3. Sentence Simplification I (C)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? The stated goal of the WPA was to provide people with jobs // that would not only serve the public good but would allow those workers involved to utilize their specific talents and skills and receive a sense of fulfillment as well.

Why Not? (A), (D) Information that the WPA contributed to the public good is left out.

(B) Not mentioned

4. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word  inception in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? launch can replace inception in this context. —See Clue 4(A)[lines 32-34]

inception n. beginning of an organization or institution

 launch n. promotion of something new

5. Inference i (D)

Q. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that the largest proportion of workers in the Federal Art Project

Why? (D) can be inferred from the information in lines 39-41. —See Clue 5(D)

Why Not? (A), (B) Not supported / (C) Incorrect —See lines 44-45

6. Reference I (A)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? This program divided its resources between education and performance, and thousands of local concerts were held all over the country. Like the Federal Art Project, it carried out the documentation of older, sometimes obscure sources of American music, including regional folk songs. —See Clue 6(A)[lines 55-62]

7. Inference I (B)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 6 about the Federal Writers Project?

Why? (B) can be inferred from the information in lines 82-85. —See Clue 7(B)

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Not supported

8. Negative Fact I (B)

Q. According to the passage, all of the Federal One projects addressed some form of American history EXCEPT

Why Not? (A) Mentioned in 76-78 / (C) Mentioned in 49-51 / (D) Mentioned in 59-62

9. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to the passage, which Federal One program employed the most people at a single time?

Why? -See Clue 9(C)[lines 53-55, 62-63, 70-72, 79-82]

10. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word outright in the passage is closest in meaning to

 Why? entirely can replace outright in this context. —See Clue 10(A)[lines 93-94]

outright adv. totally and completely

entirely adv. completely and wholly

11. Rhetorical Purpose I (A)

Q. Why does the author mention wartime industries in paragraph 7?

Why? Wartime industries is mentioned as a reason why the WPA was dissolved. The author explains that large numbers of the unemployed found work in the wartime industries, and as a result, the WPA was not needed any longer. —See Clue 11(A)[lines 100-103]

12. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word procure in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? obtain can replace procure in this context. —See Clue 12(C)[lines 94-98]

procure v. to obtain something not commonly found

obtain v. to get something that you desire

13. Insert Text | [A]

Q. Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Q. Why? Even larger was the Federal Music Project, which had more than 15,000 registered employees in the same year. [A] The high number probably reflected the fact that two-thirds of musicians were unemployed during the Great Depression. This program divided its resources between education and performance, and thousands of local concerts were held all over the country. [B]

“The high number” in the given sentence refers to “more than 15,000 registered employees.

14. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Why? During the Great Depression, the American government created cultural jobs for unemployed professional workers through the Federal One agency of the WPA.


Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) Federal One addressed the needs of people not accustomed to construction jobs, employing 40,000 such workers in various programs in its first year. Clue 14(B)[lines 20-26] Previous New Deal programs had focused almost solely on construction projects, for which some of the more specialized segments of the population were unsuited. Artists, teachers, office workers, writers, performers, and musicians … also needed work.

[lines 31-34] Consisting of five different programs, it had employed 40,000 various cultural workers within one year of its inception.

(D) Most Federal One programs focused not only on the creation of cultural products but also on the preservation of historical American culture. Clue 14(D)[lines 38-41] the Federal Art Project, which concentrated roughly half its resources on the production of art

[lines 50-51] documenting the history of American art

[lines 59-62] it (the Federal Music Project) carried out the documentation of older, sometimes obscure sources of American music, including regional folk songs

[lines 76-77] they (publications by the Federal Writers Project) also included large amounts of information on the history

(F) Four of the five Federal One programs continued for a few years even after Congress cut their budgets, and they left a lasting influence on the country. Clue 14(F)[lines 89-91] succeeded in persuading Congress to reorganize the WPA. Its emphasis was shifted even further toward construction projects [lines 93-94] the Federal Theatre Project was eliminated outright

[lines 98-100] the remaining projects continued to hire workers and carry out their various functions [lines 103-105] Its legacy, including that of the Federal One programs, is still present throughout the U.S.

► The whole passage focuses on the creation of cultural jobs through the Federal One agency of the WPA during the Great Depression. And it follows that <(B) Employment in the area of culture through the Federal One agency —* (D) The contents of the Federal One programs — (F) End of Federal One and its influence) » See 24. (B)


28.(B) 29. (A) 30. (A) 31. (B) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (A) 35. (A) 36. (B) 37. (B) 38. (C) 39. (C) 40. Oil: (F). (H) / Coal: (A), (B), (D) / Natural Gas: (C), (E)

28. Sentence Simplification I (B)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? It has been profitably extracted from many sites across the globe, // and its liquid form makes it relatively easy to transport; // these two characteristics of oil have contributed to the development of an enormous international industry based on the production and distribution of this fuel.

Why Not? (A) Information about the ease of transporting oil is left out.

(C) Information that oil has been profitably extracted is left out.

(D) Not mentioned


29. Factual Information I (A)

Q.  According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true about extracting oil from the ground?

Why? ~ See Clue 29(A)[lines 4-7]

► Found in natural underground reservoirs, oil is a thick, dark liquid that is recovered from the ground through pumping and drilling processes.

Why Not? (B), (D) Not mentioned / (C) Incorrect ~See lines 5-7


30. Inference I (A)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about coal?

Why? (A) can be inferred from combining the information in lines 20-21 and lines 32-37. **See Clue 30(A)

Why Not? (B) Incorrect See lines 21-23/ (C), (D) Not supported


31. Reference I (B)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? Although the applications of coal have changed since the introduction of the internal combustion engine decreased the need for coal to power steam engines, it is still a heavily exploited energy source.

– See Clue 31(B)[lines 32-37]


32. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word Comprising in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? constituting can replace comprising in this context. **-See Clue 32(A)[lines 43-45]

comprise v. to form a portion of a larger group

constitute v. to officially form a group

33. Rhetorical Purpose I (D)

Q. In paragraph 3, the author explains that natural gas is cleaner than other fossil fuels by

Why? The author explains that natural gas is cleaner than other fossil fuels by comparing their carbon dioxide emission figures. –See Clue 33(D)[lines 65-68]


34. Inference I (A)

Q.What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about natural gas?

 Why? (A) can be inferred from combining the information in lines 49-51 and lines 53-55. See Clue 34(A)

Why Not? (B) Incorrect **-See lines 65-681 (C) Not supported / (D) Incorrect See lines 53-54


35. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word diverse in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? various can replace diverse in this context. «”See Clue 35{A)[lines 61-64]

diverse adj. of various kinds or forms

various adj. of many different types


36. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word finite in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? limited can replace finite in this context. ^See Clue 36(B)[lines 72-74]

finite adj. having an end or limit

limited adj. restricted in amount or number


37. Rhetorical Purpose I (B)

Q. In paragraph 4, why does the author mention ODd dud?

Why? Coal dust is mentioned as an example of health risks miners face. The author points out the drawbacks of using fossil fuel in terms of health. <*See Clue 37(B)[lines 89-92]


38. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word intrinsic in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? fundamental can replace intrinsic in this context. ••See Clue 38{C)[lines 85-92] 9

intrinsic adj. being inherent in one’s nature or character 9

fundamental adj. relating to the most basic and important part of something


39. Insert Text (C)

Look at the four squares [|] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? (B) It helps produce electricity, fuels vehicles, and meets household energy needs—for example in cooking and heating. (C) in addition to these uses of natural gas, there are many potential applications that have not been fully realized yet. In terms of pollution, natural gas is a cleaner fossil fuel; when burned it releases 30 percent less carbon dioxide than oil and 45 percent less carbon dioxide than coal. (D)

► ‘these uses* in the given sentence refers to the various uses of natural gas exemplified in previous sentence. In addition to is used to add further information to the preceding sentence.


40. Schematic Table

Q. Directions: Complete the table by matching the phrases below.

Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the type of fossil fuel to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points.

  Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage


(F) Is the predominant transportation fuel Clue 40(F)[lines 14-17] Oil is … 90 percent of the fuel that powers vehicles.
(H) Is the most widely used energy source Clue 40(H)[lines 1-2] the most commonly consumed source of energy is oil




(A) Is no longer the world’s dominant fuel source Clue 40(A)[lines 21-23] it currently accounts for a smaller percentage of global energy consumption than oil
(B) Is the most plentiful kind of fossil fuel Clue 40(B)[lines 28-29] More abundant than any other fossil fuel
(D) Emits more carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels Clue 40(D)[lines 66-68] when burned it (natural gas) releases 30 percent less carbon dioxide than oil and 45 percent less carbon dioxide than coal
Natural Gas  (C) Was once considered a mere byproduct Clue 40(C)[lines 51-53] for some time it was considered to be nothing more than a byproduct of oil
(E) Can be transported in either liquid or gaseous form
Clue 40(E)[lines 53-55] transporting natural gas was expensive and required complex pipeline systems [lines 58-60] As a liquid, natural gas can be distributed using systems similar to those used for oil. 


Why Not? (G) Not mentioned / (I) Incorrect See line 81

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