TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 09 Solution & Explanation

Solution for TOEFL iBT Reading Practice Test 09

KEY for reading passage 2

15. (B) 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (A) 21. (B) 22. (A) 23. (C) 24 (B) 25. (B) 26. Impact Theory: (A), (C), (H) / Volcano-Greenhouse Theory: (B), (E), IB, (G)

15. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word enticing in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? inviting can replace enticing in this context. **See Clue 15(B)[lines 1-4]

# enticing ad j. tempting or alluring

inviting adj. so attractive you want to experience it

16. Inference I (B)

Q. In paragraph 2, what can be inferred about the iridium in the Earth’s crust?

Why? (B) can be inferred from the information in lines 21-24. **See Clue 16(B)

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Not supported

17. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word Speculation in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? conjecture can replace speculation in this context. **See Clue 17(A)[lines 24-28]

conjecture n. formation of ideas or opinions without much basis

speculation n. guess about something

18. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 3, some scientists initially doubted the validity of the impact theory because

Why? ^See Clue 18(C)[lines 50-57]

► … when it was initially presented, some scientists were skeptical about the idea of an enormous asteroid. Due to the fact that objects of that size make impressive craters, they argued that the impact mark from the Alvarez asteroid should still be observable. However, for years no one was able to identify a crater of the appropriate size and age. mi

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

19. Sentence Simplification I (C)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? The widely accepted impact theory, proposed by Luis Alvarez in 1980, // explains that the high levels of iridium at the K-T boundary may have been caused by a huge asteroid—probably miles in diameter—that slammed into the Earth 65 million years ago, // and the result of that impact was a colossal explosion that created sky-darkening dust clouds around the entire planet.

Why Not? (A), (D) Incorrect

(B) Information about the effect of an asteroid hit on Earth is left out.

20. Reference I (A)

Q. The word they in the passage refers to

Why? … when it was initially presented, and some scientists were skeptical about the idea of an enormous asteroid. Because objects of that size make impressive craters, they argued that the impact mark from the Alvarez asteroid should still be observable. —See Clue 20(A)[lines 51-55]

21. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The phrase  ushering in in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? introducing can replace ushering in in this context. See Clue 21(B)[lines 65-68]

introduce v. to bring about for the first time

usher in to bring or attend at the beginning

22. Inference I (A)

Q. According to the passage, what does the author imply about the volcano-greenhouse theory?

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 69-70. ~See Clue 22(A)

Why Not? (B), (D) Incorrect —See lines 99-100/(C) Not supported

23. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word fatally in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? lethally can replace fatally in this context. —See Clue 23(C)[lines 88-90]

fatally adv. in a way that results in death

lethally adv: in a way that causes death

24. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 4, the volcano-greenhouse theory claims that species became extinct because

Why? -See Clue 24(B)[lines 92-95]

Why Not? (A), (D) Each mentioned in lines 91,81-84, but they are not the direct causes for the species’ extinction / (C) Not mentioned

25. Insert Text [B]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

 Why? [A] What caused the mass extinctions about 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period has long been an enticing scientific riddle, and the reasons for the resulting extermination of the dinosaurs have been the topic of fierce dispute for some time. [B] Since the 1970s, scientists have extensively researched the matter, attempting to ascertain why dinosaurs, which had been the dominant land animals for approximately 160 million years, suddenly vanished at the end of the Cretaceous Period. By studying the layers of the Earth’s crust that correspond to the time period of the mass extinctions, scientists have uncovered clues that, over the past few decades of debate, have evolved into two major theories about the cause of the mysterious mass extinctions. [C]

► “the matter” in the given sentence refers to “What caused the mass extinctions.

26. Schematic Table

Q. Directions: Complete the table by matching the phrases below.

Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the theory to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points.



Correct Answer Choices ,

Clues in the passage

  (A) Involves a destructive effect caused by dust from a major explosion Clue 26(A)[lines 34-37] the result of that impact was a colossal explosion that created sky-darkening dust clouds around the entire planet
Impact Theory (C) Describes the catastrophes caused by blockage of sunlight Clue 26(C)[lines 44-49] The absence of sunlight and the sudden temperature drop would have quickly destroyed plant species, gradually starved larger herbivores … and eventually killed the carnivores …
  (H) Has a major source of evidence just off the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico Clue 26(H)[lines 59-62] researchers stumbled upon a probable impact site— a huge crater partially submerged in the ocean off the coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula
  (B) Theorizes that the iridium at the K-T boundary is native to the Earth Clue 26(B)[lines 75-76] the iridium in the K-T boundary originated in the center of the Earth


(E) Suggests that there were disastrous results of a change in the gas composition of the Earth’s atmosphere Clue 26(E)[lines 84-90] would have thrown massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, creating a greenhouse effect… The volcano-greenhouse theory asserts that the planet’s temperature would have risen and fatally disrupted the biosphere.
Theory (F) Hypothesizes that the Earth’s temperature rose during the extinction period Clue 26<F)[lines 88-90] The volcano-greenhouse theory asserts that the planet’s temperature would have risen and fatally disrupted the biosphere.
  (G) Refers to geologic phenomena located on the Indian subcontinent Clue 26(G)[lines 78-81] the Deccan Traps—a volcanic region on the Indian subcontinent—exhibited some of the most severe volcanism in the entire history of the planet

Why Not? (D) Incorrect “See lines 1-2/ (I) Not mentioned


KEY for reading passage 3

27. (B) 28. (A) 29. [A] 30.(D) 31. (B) 32.(C) 33. (B) 34. (D) 35. (C) 36. (A) 37.(D) 38. (B), (E). (F)

27. Vocabulary | (B)

Q. The word  curtailed in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? reduced can replace curtailed in this context. –See Clue 27(B)[lines 16-18]

curtail v. to reduce or limit something

reduce v. to bring down to a smaller extent size, amount or price

28. Reference I (A)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? When a PCB chemical enters the human body, it is transported throughout the body by the bloodstream and is eventually stored in fatty tissue, where it typically lingers for a long time. ~See Clue 28{A)[lines 31-36]

29. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word expelled in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? eliminated can replace expelled in this context. **See Clue 29(A)]lines 38-39]

expel v. to discharge or eject something; to force or drive out

eliminate v. to completely get rid of something

30. Negative Fact I (D)

Q. In paragraph 3, the author states that PCBs are responsible for all of the following health problems EXCEPT

Why Not?


Incorrect Answer Choices Mentioned in the passage
(A) issues with reproductive abnormalities [lines 42-43] reproductive irregularities
(B) conditions related to the immune system [line 44] conditions affecting the immune system
(C) different kinds of cancer [line 43] various types of cancer

31. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word  negligence in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? disregard can replace negligence in this context. **See Clue 31(B)[lines 63-66]

negligence n. failure to take care of something that you are responsible for

disregard n. lack of attention; neglect

32. Sentence Simplification I (C)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Soon after, rising fears regarding the poisonous aspects of PCBs, and their constant exposure to the environment, // resulted in congressional intervention in 1976, // when the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed, prohibiting the commercial production and distribution of PCBs. of the chemicals

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Incorrect

33. Inference I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 4, which of the following sentences most accurately reflects the author’s opinion about General Electric’s use of PCBs?

Why? (B) can be inferred from combining the information in lines 63-66 and lines 69-71. ‘See Clue 33(B)

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Incorrect •’See lines 63-66,69-71

34. Rhetorical Purpose I (D)

Q. In paragraph 4, why does the author mention activist groups?

Why? Activist groups are mentioned as an example of organizations that tried to stop the further use of PCBs. ‘See Clue 34{D)[lines 58-62]

35. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 5, how are some researchers attempting to reduce PCB pollution?

Why? ‘See Clue 35(C)[lines 89-94]

► … researchers conducted studies on ways to eliminate PCBs from the environment using bacteria that exist naturally. The researchers focused their work on the badly contaminated Hudson River, using an inexpensive system involving anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

36. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word  conversion in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? transformation can replace conversion in this context «”See Clue 36{A)[lines 97-99]

conversion n. switching something from one form to another one

transformation n. total change

37. Insert Text [D]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [C] However, due to these qualities, PCBs remain in the environment and are difficult to remove. [D] If discarded in water or soil, for instance, the chemicals can cause major ecological problems.

► “the chemicals’ in the given sentence refers to ‘PCBs.’

38. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Why? The presence of harmful PCBs in the environment remains a current and global pollution issue.


Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) PCBs have a stable nature that allows them to remain in the environment for a long time, causing serious health problems to humans and animals. Clue 38(B)[lines 11-12] They are also known to be very stable

[lines 14-15] due to these qualities, PCBs remain in the environment

[lines 41-45] they may reach the dangerous levels to which reproductive irregularities, various types of cancer, conditions affecting the immune system, and other illnesses have been attributed

(E) Before the 1970s corporations dumped millions of pounds of PCBs into the environment, but as people became aware of the dangers, the government restricted the chemicals’ use. Clue 38(E)[lines 69-71] It had dumped approximately 1.3 million pounds of PCBs into the Hudson River, [lines 75-78] rising fears regarding the poisonous aspects of PCBs, and their constant exposure to the environment, resulted in congressional intervention in 1976
(F) Researchers are working on ways to clean up the PCB waste that, though discarded before the 1970s, continues to pollute the environment. Clue 38(F)[lines 16-21] Before PCB use was curtailed by legislation in the 1970s, their widespread use created environmental problems that remain current global issues. PCBs persist in the environment and pollute the ecosystem by contaminating water, soil, and air.

[lines 89-90] researchers conducted studies on ways to eliminate PCBs from the environment

► The whole passage focuses on the serious effect of PCBs in the environment and the response to it. And it follows that <(B) Qualities of PCBs and their effect on the environment —*• (E) Discard of PCBs by corporations and the restriction of the government — (F) Attempt to clean the PCB chemicals) ~See

Why Not? (A) Mentioned in lines 6-9, but minor / (C) Mentioned in lines 19-21, 30-31, but minor / (D) Mentioned in lines 34-36, but minor


1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (D) 11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (D) 14. (B). (D), (F)


5. Vocabulary I (D)

Q. The word  repercussions in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? impacts can replace repercussions in this context «-See Clue 5(D)[lines 44-45, 46, 50]

repercussion n. effect, influence, or result of an action or event

impact n. effect or influence of one thing on another

6. Inference I (A)

Q. According to paragraph 4, it can be inferred that, after it was created, the Erie Canal rapidly became

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 51-58. **See Clue 6(A)

Why Not? (B), (D) Not supported / (C) Incorrect See lines 51-58

7. Reference I (B)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? … the volume of shipping traffic quickly escalated. Even the widespread growth of the railroad as a viable form of land transportation in the mid-1800s did nothing to lessen it ~See Clue 7(B)[lines 54-58]

8. Rhetorical Purpose I (A)

Q. In paragraph 5, the author mentions Ohio, Indian and Illinois to

Why? Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are mentioned in order to show that inhabitants in those regions could deliver their goods to the eastern markets thanks to the Erie Canal, and that the canal ultimately contributed to the westward expansion of the nation. ■*- See Clue 8(A)[lines 62-66,69-71]

9. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word facilitating in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? aiding can replace facilitating in this context. —See Clue 9(A)[lines 68-71]

facilitate v. to make it easier for something to happen

aid v. to help or offer assistance

10. Sentence Simplification I (D)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Within fifteen years of the canal’s construction, // the amount of goods flowing into New York City and the resultant blossoming of commercial activities had transformed the city into the country’s busiest port, // and ultimately helped it become the prosperous metropolis it is today.

Why Not? (A) Information that the Erie Canal helped New York become the prosperous city it is today is left out.

(B) Not mentioned

(C) Information about the effect of the Erie Canal on the commerce of New York is left out.

11. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 6, how was the canal modified in both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

Why? ■■’See Clue 1 lines 82-83, 86-88]

► Between 1836 and 1862, it was enlarged … The enlargement process was carried out again in the early 1900s…

Why Not? (A), (C) Mentioned in lines 90-94, but only true of the 20th century / (D) Not mentioned

12. Factual Information I (C)

Q. In paragraph 7, the author states that the Erie Canal currently

Why? -See Clue 12(C) lines 99-101]

► … in 1994, all commercial traffic on the waterway was stopped.

Why Not? (A), (D) Not mentioned / (B) Incorrect **See lines 99-103

13. Insert Text [D]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [B]The substantial changes in elevation along the route required the installation of eighty-three locks that would lift or lower cargo to the level of the next section of canal. [C] it included eighteen raised aqueducts that allowed the waterway to cross ravines and rivers. [D] Also, bridges were built so that  preexisting roads cut by the canal could remain in use. Cargo barges were usually pulled by a team of pack animals from a towpath that ran alongside the canal.

14. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Why? In the early nineteenth century, the Erie Canal was created as a way to move goods across New York to points farther west.


Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) A truly monumental project involving numerous construction tasks, the canal was finished in 1825 after about eight years of work. Clue 14(B)[line 25] construction began in 1817 [lines 26-29] the arduous undertaking was carried out by hundreds of hardworking local and immigrant laborers

[lines 30-31] In 1825, the Erie Canal was completed

(D) The Erie Canal provided a cheap means of shipping products between distant regions, significantly boosting the economies of both the Midwest and New York City. Clue 14(D)[lines 51-54] transporting a ton of cargo by road from Buffalo to New York City cost around $100. By 1835, the canal had cut the figure to only four dollars per ton

[lines 69-72] the Erie Canal greatly contributed to the westward expansion of the American nation. However, the eastern endpoint of the route was affected as well.

(F) Over the years, the canal was updated to address increases in traffic and remained in use until it was finally sidelined by the highway system. Clue 14(F)[lines 80-82] As shipping traffic increased and new engineering technologies became available, the canal received many upgrades.

[lines 95-99] It was not until the second half of the twentieth century, when highways began to replace railways as the dominant form of land transport, that use of the Erie Canal began to decrease rapidly.

► The whole passage focuses on the construction of the Erie Canal and its effects on the economy of the U.S. And it follows that ((B) The construction of the Erie Canal —* (D) The effects of the Erie Canal on the economies of the Midwest and New York City —* (F) Updates to the Erie Canal and end of its commercial use) **See

Why Not? (A) Mentioned in lines 12-15, but minor / (C) Not supported / (E) Incorrect ~See lines 95-99

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TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 08 Solution & Explanation

TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 08 Solution & Explanation



1. (A) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (C) 11. (B)

1. Inference I (A)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the origin of Ancient Puebloan culture?

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 23-26. ••See Clue 1(A)

Why Not? (B) Incorrect See lines 7-11 / (C) Incorrect «-See lines 23-26/ (D) Not supported

2. Vocabulary I (D)

Q. The word predecessors in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? ancestors can replace predecessors in this context. «-See Clue 2(D)[lines 27-28]

predecessor n. person who was a member of one’s family a long time ago and from whom one is descended

ancestor n. person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent

3. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 2, there is no Pueblo term for their culture’s ancestors because

Why? See Clue 3(B)[lines 30-33]

Because the different groups of modern Pueblos speak different languages, there is no single term for their common ancestors,

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Not mentioned

4. Inference I (D)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the term Anasazi?

Why? (D) can be inferred from the information in lines 35-39. ~See Clue 4(D)

Why Not? (A), (C) Not supported / (B) Incorrect **See lines 35-36

5. Vocabulary | (A)

Q. The word fortified in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? strengthened can replace fortified in this context. **-See Clue 5{A)[lines 46-49]

fortify v. to build physical structures around an area or city for defense

strengthen v. to make something able to withstand more

6. Reference | (C)

Q. The word that in the passage refers to

Why? Small groups of households composed early communities that eventually expanded into hamlets, villages, and then towns. ^See Clue 6<C)[lines 62-65]

7. Rhetorical Purpose I (C)

Q. Why does the author mention food and wafer supplies in  paragraph 4?

Why? Food and water supplies are mentioned as a purpose over which Puebloan communities joined together. ^See Clue 7(C)[lines 67-69]

8. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word flourished in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? thrived can replace flourished in this context. **-See Clue 8(B)[lines 79-81]

flourish v. to develop and be successful

thrive v. to prosper and become very successful

9. Factual Information I (D)

Q. According to the passage, what happened to the Ancient Puebloans between 1000 and 1300 AD?

Why? ~See Clue 9(D)[lines 83-85]

► From about 1000 to 1300 AD, Ancient Puebloan culture is believed to have reached a climax …

Why Not? (A) It was after 1300 AD that the Ancient Puebloans left the region that their culture had inhabited for centuries. **See lines 87-881 (B), (C) Not mentioned

10. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word lingering in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? remaining can replace lingering in this context. **See Clue 10(C)[lines 94-97]

lingering adj. continuing to exist for longer than normal or wanted

remaining adj. being left over

11. Sentence Simplification I (B)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? As many as ten thousand of the Ancient Puebloans may have moved southward into the Rio Grande Valley, //which is where Spaniards encountered them a few hundred years later and called them pueblos, meaning “towns’ in Spanish.

Why Not? (A), (D) Not mentioned / (C) Incorrect

12. Insert Text | [C]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [B] Using stone hammers to shape sandstone blocks for construction, they later moved from jacal homes to larger, multi-level stone buildings, eventually carving them into cliffs—most likely for protection against enemies. [C] Such dwellings had other advantages astwell because cliff dwellings provided extra protection from weather and did not take up land that could be used for agriculture.

► “Such dwellings” in the given sentence refers to “carving them into cliffs.”

13. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Why? Although archaeologists have evidence about the origin and expansion of the Ancient Puebloan population, they still wonder about the reason for its departure from the Four Comers region.


Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(A) It is estimated that the Ancient Puebloans first appeared in the fertile Four Corners region around 2000 to 3500 years ago. Clue 13(A)[lines 23-26] most agree that it was well established in the Four Corners region by at least 1 AD, though some trace its origins as far back as 1500 BC.
(C) Architecture and crafts in the Four Corners region reveal the Ancient Puebloans’ cultural growth. Clue 13(C)[lines 80-82] Ancient Puebloan culture and art flourished, as seen in numerous baskets and pottery crafts

[lines 84-87] Ancient Puebloan culture is believed to have reached a climax, particularly in the areas of pottery, weaving, and architecture

(D) Archaeologists cannot prove why the Ancient Puebloan population departed from the Four Comers region. Clue 13{D)[lines 91-92] What caused the Ancient Puebloans to leave is not entirely clear to archaeologists.

► The whole passage focuses on the history of the Ancient Puebloans and their cultural development. And it follows that <(A) The origin of the Ancient Puebloans — (C) The culture of the Ancient Puebloans — (D) Relocation of the Ancient Puebloans) 

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TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 06 Solution & Explanation

Solution for TOEFL iBT Reading 06


14. (C) 15. (D) 16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (D) 19. (A) 20. (B) 21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24.(D) 25. (D) 26. (B) 27. (B), (C). (D)

14. Vocabulary [C]

Q. The word mitigate in the passage is closest in meaning to14. Vocabulary I (C)

Why? relieve can replace mitigate in this context. —See Clue 14(C)[lines 3-6]

•    mitigate v. to lessen the unpleasant effects of a situation

•    relieve v. to free or lessen someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings

15. Factual Information I (D)

Q. According to paragraph 1, what is the purpose of the Millennium Environmental Assessment?

Why? —See Clue 15(D)[lines 10-15]

► The aims of this research program are to provide people—both decision-making officials and the general public—with information about the likely future consequences of current human activity that affects the ecosystem.

16. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word fundamental in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? basic can replace fundamental in this context —See Clue 16(C)]lines 30-31]

•    fundamental adj. relating to the most basic and key parts of something

•    basic adj. forming the base or most necessary part of something

17. Inference I (A)

Q. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that focusing exclusively on the marketability of a natural resource is hazardous because

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 38-40. —See Clue 17(A)

Why Not? (B), (D) Not supported / (C) Incorrect —See lines 38-42

18. Rhetorical Purpose I (D)

Q. Why does the author mention Chicago in paragraph 3?

Why? Chicago is mentioned as an example of a region that forests provided with nonmarketable but economically valuable services. —See Clue 18(D)[lines 51-54]

19. Negative Fact I (A)

Q. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as nonmarketable services provided by the ecosystem EXCEPT

Why? -See Clue 19(A)[lines 38-41]

Why Not? (B) Mentioned in lines 25-26 / (C) Mentioned in lines 45-46 / (D) Mentioned in lines 52-54

20. Inference I (B)

Q. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that the MA believes the general public

Why? (B) can be inferred from the information in lines 55-60.    20{B)[lines    55-60]

Why Not? (A), 1C), (D) Not supported

21. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word epic in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? huge can replace epic in this context -*~See Clue 21(A)[lines 73-74, 75-76]

•    epic adj. surpassing the ordinary or usual, particularly in scope or size

•    huge adj. very large in size, amount, or degree

22. Sentence Simplification I (B)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.  

Why? The MA report makes it evident that humankind has arrived at a point in time // where the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level, // for resolving the planet’s ecological imbalance is an issue too great for single countries or individual people to tackle.

Why Not? (A) Not mentioned

(C)    Information that international cooperation is necessary is left out

(D)    Incorrect

23. Inference I (D)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 5 about the solution to the current pollution crisis?

Why? (D) can be inferred from the information in lines 77-82. ^See Clue 23(D)

Why Not? (A) Incorrect / (B) Not mentioned / (C) Incorrect ^See lines 77-82

24. Reference 1 (D)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? … action to protect the environment from decisions that would exploit it. ^See Clue 24(D)[lines 93-95]

25. Vocabulary I (D)

Q. The word obligation in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? responsibility can replace obligation in this context. **See Clue 25(D)[lines 104-107]

•    obligation n. moral or legal duty and expectation of doing something

•    responsibility n. duty to be in charge of something, so that you make decisions and are accountable

26. Insert Text I [B]

Q. Look at the four squares [|] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [A] Environmental problems have reached such epic proportions that any countermeasure will need to be on the scale of an international environmental movement. [B] There are several components to this kind of environmental movement At the base of an effective environmental movement, there must be a change in individuals’ attitudes toward preserving the ecosystem. [C]

► ‘this kind of environmental movement’ in the given sentence refers to ‘an international environmental movement.’ And the decisive clue is the repetition of the phrase ‘environmental movement’ through the three successive sentences.

27. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This ciuestion is worth 2 points.

Why? The research presented in the MA report demonstrates that it is essential to protect the planet’s ecology, even though the task will require major efforts.

Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) Although some natural resources cannot be bought or sold, they nonetheless form critical parts of the Earth’s ecology. Clue 27(B)[lines 25-29] Although some of these assets—like erosion control and cultural heritage— are often underappreciated because they cannot be marketed for economic gain, they are nonetheless very valuable resources.
(C) Preserving the planet’s ecology has the potential to provide people with significant economic returns. Clue 27(C)[lines 65-68] ecologically preserved Canadian wetlands are worth nearly 6,000 US dollars per hectare, but only 2,500 dollars per hectare when intensively farmed
(D) An environmental movement can only succeed if it occurs at both global and individual levels. Clue 27(D)[lines 71-72] the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level [lines 80-82] there must be a change in individuals’ attitudes toward preserving the ecosystem

► The whole passage focuses on the value of our ecosystem and the importance of an environmental movement at the international level. And it follows that <(B) Value of natural resources — (C) Economic returns of preserving the planet’s ecology — (D) Necessity of the environmental movement on global and individual scales) **-See <Graphic Organize/> on p. 333

Why Not? (A) Mentioned in lines 8-10, but minor / (E), (F) Not mentioned


1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (C)    10.    (B)    11.    (C) 12. (A) 13. Temperature: (A), (B), (F), (G) / Aridity: (D), (E), (I)

4. Inference I (A)

Q. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5 about animal activity during midday?

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 47-49. <*See Clue 4(A)

Why Not? (B), (D) Incorrect *~See lines 47-49/ (C) Not supported

5. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 6, kangaroos and cheetahs lick their paws because

Why? —See    Clue 5{C)[lines 53-55]

► Cheetahs and kangaroos, for example, lick their paws because the resulting evaporation of water dissipates heat

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

6. Reference I (C)

Q. The word them in the passage refers to

Why? Cheetahs and kangaroos, for example, lick their paws because the resulting evaporation of water dissipates heat, helping them maintain comfortable body temperatures. «-See Clue 6(C)[lines 53-56]

7. Rhetorical Purpose I (B)

Q. In paragraph 7, the author illustrates the potential efficiency of adaptations to arid climates by

Why? ~See Clue 7(B)[lines 66-69]

8. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 8, some insects meet their water requirements by

Why? ~See Clue 8(C)[lines 73-75]

► their water requirements are fulfilled by the water content in the foods they eat.

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

9. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word parched in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? dry can replace parched in this context. »See Clue 9<C)[lines 95-97]

•    parched adj. extremely dry, due to hot weather

•    dry adj. lack of water or liquid

10. Inference I (B)

Q. Based on the information in paragraph 8 and paragraph 9, what can be inferred about addax?

Why? (B) can be inferred from combining the information in lines 82-86 and lines 93-94. —See Clue 10(B)

Why Not? (A), (C) Incorrect —See lines 82-86,93-94/ (D) Not supported

11. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. Based on the information in paragraph 10, which of the following best explains the term

Why? -See    Clue    11    (C)lines

12. Insert Text | [A]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why?  Many species avoid the heat by seeking shelter in microclimates—areas that can be considered miniature ”climates* in a sense, for their environmental conditions differ, in terms of temperature, from the larger climate they are contained within. [A] In the desert, such microclimates may exist in the form of shaded refuges or underground retreats. For example, kangaroo rats hide away in a type of underground microclimate—deep burrows that keep them cool. [B]

► ‘such microclimates* in the given sentence refers to ‘microclimates.*

13. Schematic Table

Q. Directions: Complete the table by matching the statements below.

Select the appropriate statements from the answer choices and match them to the type of adaptation to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points.


  Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
Temperature (A) Nocturnal desert species are primarily active during the night. Clue 13(A)[lines 30-32] By waiting until the sun sets to begin their periods of activity, nocturnal animals avoid the heat by coordinating their habits.
(B) In microclimates, some species avoid the general conditions of the regional climate. Clue 13(B)[lines 21-23] Many species avoid the heat by seeking shelter in microclimates—areas that can be considered miniature ‘climates*
(F) Certain species have the ability to adjust their coloration. Clue 13(F)[lines 40-41] Some animals have evolved advantageous coloration
(G) When animals pant, they increase the rate of evaporation from the respiratory tract. Clue 13(G)[lines 57-61] cheetahs … employ evaporative cooling in the form of panting, which facilitates evaporation from the respiratory system
Aridity (D) For grey kangaroos, embryonic diapause facilitates survival in desert regions. Clue 13(D)[lines 106-111] During embryonic diapause,… In this manner, the mother is able to conserve water and at the same time increase her baby’s chances of survival
(E) As they excrete biological wastes, some species expel concentrated urine. Clue 13(E)[lines 93-94] these animals discharge highly concentrated urine
(1) Desert conditions cause some species to temporarily stop breeding. Clue 13(l)[lines 102-104] Grey kangaroos also stop breeding when there are insufficient water supplies

Why Not? (C), (H) Not mentioned

1. Rhetorical Purpose I (B)

Q. In paragraph 1, why does the author mention

Why? **See Clue 1(B)[lines 7-9]

2. Sentence Simplification I (B)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Maintaining optimal body temperatures is critical for animals in a variety of climates, // but in regions where environmental temperatures range to high extremes, // control over body temperature is particularly essential, // often making the difference between life and death.

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Information about how maintaining optimal body temperatures is critical for desert animals is left out.

3. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word scorching in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? burning can replace scorching in this context. *See Clue 3(C)[lines 16-17]

scorching adj. extremely hot 

burning adj. on fire

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TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 05 Solution & Explanation

TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 05 Solution & Explanation


28. (B) 29. (A) 30. (D) 31. (A) 32. (D) 33. (A) 34. (B) 35. (A) 36. (A) 37. (C) 38. (A) 39. Q 40. (A), (D). (F)

28. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? broad can replace comprehensive in this context. —See Clue 28(B)[lines 1-3, 6-8]

comprehensive adj. so large in scope or content as to include much

broad adj. covering and including wide range

29. Factual Information I (A)

Q. According to paragraph 2, why did London go to the Klondike?

Why? See Clue 29(A)[lines 19-20]

Why Not? (B), (C) Not supported / (D) Not mentioned

30. Vocabulary I (D)

Q. The word initiated in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? began can replace initiated in this context. —See Clue 30(D)[lines 35-38]

initiate v. to cause something to start

begin v. to start doing something

31. Inference I (A)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about London’s writing?

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 34-35. —See Clue 31(A)

Why Not? (BHD) Not supported

32. Inference I (D)

Q.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about London’s philosophical beliefs?

Why? (D) can be inferred from the information in lines 43-47. —See Clue 32(D)

Why Not? (A)-(C) Not supported

33. Rhetorical Purpose I (A)

Q. In paragraph 4, why does the author mention

Why? Environmental determinism is mentioned as an example of theories that London applied to his writing. —See Clue 33(A)[lines 47-49]

34. Factual information I (B)

Q. According to the passage, what kind of writing did London originally become famous for?

Why? -See Clue 34(B)]lines 38-40, 42-43]

Why Not? (A) Not mentioned / (C), (D) Incorrect —See lines 38-39

35. Factual Information I (A)

Q. According to paragraph 5, London used the main character. Buck, to show that

Why? -See Clue 35(A)[lines 6&69I ► … London suggests that the environment—here, the climate of the Yukon – is the main force shaping our behavior.

Why Not? (BMD) Not mentioned

36. Reference I (A)

Q. The word its in the passage refers to

Why? … the environment- here, the climate of the Yukon – is the main force shaping our behavior. In fact, its influence is powerful… •■See Clue 36(A)[lines 67-69]

37. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word primitive in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? It can be inferred that primitive is opposite in meaning to social, instinctive can replace primitive in this context. See Clue 37<C)[lines 72-74]

primitive adj. relating or belonging to forces of nature; elemental

instinctive adj. based on instinct without logic, thought or reasoning

38. Sentence Simplification I (A)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Buck realizes that the “civilized” ethics of his former life no longer apply, // and he adopts a new code of behavior, which, // though cruel compared to the morals taught by society, // enables him to adjust to life in the Klondike, new life

Why Not? (B)-(D) Not mentioned

39. Insert Text | [C]

Q.  Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [B] When the Klondike Gold Rush began in 1897, thousands of people traveled to the Yukon Territory, a northern Canadian province near Alaska. [C] These people, like London, envisioned wealthy futures for themselves and were willing to endure the many hardships that would, they believed, bring them closer to their fortunes. Through the winter of that year, London searched for gold with little success. [D]

 ► “These people* in the given sentence refers to “thousands of people.”

40. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. –

Why? Jack London’s work was influenced by ideas and experiences that the author was exposed to.

Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(A) The Call of the Wild ‘is based on London’s time in the Klondike, where he worked as a gold prospector. Clue 40(A)[lines 19-20] his expedition into the Klondike as a gold prospector [lines 42-43] The Call of the Wild draws upon London’s experiences in northern Canada
(D) London’s writing was influenced by the ideas of environmental determinism, a philosophy to which he subscribed. Clue 40(D)[lines 47-491 One of the theories that London applied to his writing was the idea of environmental determinism
(F) Through the central character in The Call of the Wild, London shows that the environment is the main influence on our behavior. Clue 40(F)[lines 64-691 Through his central character … London suggests that the environment—here, the climate of the Yukon—is the main force shaping our behavior.

The whole passage focuses on London’s experiences in the Klondike and the philosophy that influenced his novel The Cali of the Wild. And it follows that «A) Experiences in the Klondike becoming the setting for the novel — (D) London’s experiences and philosophy that influenced his writing — (F) Environmental determinism that influenced The Call of the Wild > ~See (Graphic Organize/> on p.321 –

Why Not? (B) Mentioned in line 64, but minor / (C) Not supported / (E) Not mentioned

KEY for Reading Passage 1

1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (B) 11. (D) 12. H 13. (A), (D), (E)

1. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word ascertain in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? discover can replace ascertain in this context «■-See due 1(B)[lines 11-12]

ascertain v. to learn something with certainty

discover v. to find someone or something accidentally or with purpose

2. Sentence Simplification I (D)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Although radiocarbon dating cannot directly calculate the ages of inorganic materials, such as coins, // organic matter discovered on the same ground level, or stratum, can provide an accurate estimate based on the presumption that both objects once coexisted,

Why Not? (A) Minor

(B) Incorrect

(C) Information about the radiocarbon dating is left out.

3. Reference I (C)

Q. The word Its in the passage refers to

Why? Because of its broad applications, radiocarbon dating is utilized in various fields, such as archaeology, anthropology, and geology. **See Clue 3(C)[lines 19-22]

4. Factual Information I (A)

Q. Based on the information in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, radiocarbon dating is used more often than other dating methods because it

Why? ~See Clue 4(A)[lines 5-7, 19-22]

Why Not? (B)-(D) Not supported

5. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 3, before radiocarbon dating scientists relied on the assumption that the artifacts that are the deepest underground

Why? See Clue 5(C)[lines 25-28]

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

6. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word remnants in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? remains can replace remnants in this context. It is inferred that the word artifacts in line 32 is close in meaning to remnants. ^See Clue 6(C)[lines 28-29, 31-32]

remnant n. (pi.) small portion that remains after the rest of it has been used or destroyed

remain n. (pi.) parts left after the rest has been destroyed or has disappeared

7. Factual Information | (A)

Q. According to paragraph 3, how (fid scientists determine the ages of archaeological samples before radiocarbon dating?

Why? ~See Clue 7(A)[lines 32-34]

► Accurately determining the age of a sample required confirmation from written records,…

Why Not? (B) Incorrect “-See lines 25-28/ (C), (D) Not mentioned

8. Factual Information I (D)

Q. According to paragraph 4, how did Libby’s technique benefit the field of archaeology?

Why? ~See Clue 8(D) lines 59-61]

► Libby found that by measuring the amount of ,4C that was left in organic material, the age of the subject could be estimated,… archaeological samples

Why Not? (A), (C) Not mentioned / (B) Incorrect—See lines 59-60

9. Inference I (A)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the rates of decay of some radioactive substances?

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 63-65. —See Clue 9(A)

Why Not? (B)-(D) Not supported

10. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 5, radiocarbon dating cannot accurately date samples older than fifty thousand years because

Why? -See Clue 10(B)[lines 78-80]

► In objects older than that the quantity of ™C is too small for scientists to examine and render a reliable conclusion.

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Not mentioned

11. Rhetorical Purpose I (D)

Q. Why does the author mention the Dead Sea Scrolls in paragraph 5?

Why? The Dead Sea Scrolls are mentioned as objects for testing the effectiveness of the radiocarbon dating method. —See Clue 11(D)[lines 82-86]

12. Insert Text | [C]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [B] Libby found that by measuring the amount of 14C that was left in organic material, the age of the subject could be estimated, as the rate of decay, or half-life of 14C, is gradual yet steady. [C] This slow rate of decay makes 14C ideal for use in determining the ages of ancient artifacts. Various radioactive substances have different rates of decay, ranging from seconds to thousands of years. [D]

► ‘This slow rate of decay” in the given sentence refers to “the rate of decay, or half-life of 14C, is gradual yet steady.”

13. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Why? The radiocarbon dating method is a procedure that measures the amount of 14C in organic remains and uses that information to accurately estimate the ages of old artifacts.


Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(A) Because 14C is present in the atmosphere, it is constantly absorbed by living things and can be found in every organism. Clue 13(A)[lines 44-46] When 14C, which is naturally present in very small quantities in the air, is absorbed by living organisms
(D) Although radiocarbon dating is limited to artifacts less than fifty thousand years old, it is a dependable and invaluable tool. Clue 13(D)[lines 76-78] it can only estimate the ages of organic objects that are less than fifty thousand years old

[lines 81-82] the technique is still highly dependable [lines 91-92] radiocarbon dating is an invaluable tool

(E) Scientists have verified the preciseness of the radiocarbon dating method by testing it on artifacts whose ages are known. Clue 13(E)[lines 83-85] the radiocarbon dating method has been tested on historically recorded artifacts whose ages are known [lines 87-90] the ages calculated by the radiocarbon dating technique closely match the ages of the artifacts as documented in historical records

► The whole passage focuses on the principle and usefulness of radiocarbon dating. And it follows that ((A) The principle of radiocarbon dating — (D) Limitations of radiocarbon dating and its usefulness — (E) Test on the preciseness of radiocarbon dating)


14. (A) 15. (A) 16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (B) 20. (C) 21. (C) 22. (D) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25.(C) 26. (B) 27. Dust Devils: (C), (D) / Tornadoes: (A), (E), (H) / Both: (B), (G)

14. Reference I (A)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? If this fluid is water, the phenomenon is a whirlpool, as seen when water exits a tub through a drain. If it is a gas, such as air, the correct term for the vortex is a whirlwind. See Clue 14(A)[lines 2-6]

15. Factual Information I (A)

Q. According to paragraph 1, how are whirlwinds categorized?

Why? ~See Clue 15(A)[lines 8-13]

16. Rhetorical Purpose I (D)

Q.How does the author explain the movement of heated air in paragraph 2?

Why? The movement of heated air is explained in a comparison to water running down a drain. «-See Clue 16(D)(lines 20-23]

17. Vocabulary I (B)

Q.The word confined in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? limited can replace confined in this context. **See Clue 17(B)[lines 23-25]

confined adj. existing in a limited place or group

limited adj. not very great, large etc.; restricted

18. Sentence Simplification I (A)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? When it first begins to develop, the devil is invisible, as only the air is moving, // but the spinning winds quickly pick up particles and other debris from the ground and carry them up the vortex, // giving it a discernable shape and size.

Why Not? (B) Not mentioned

(C) Information that the dust devil becomes visible as it picks up particles and other debris is left out.

(D) Incorrect

19. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 4, how does desert sand contribute to the formation of a dust devil?

Why? **See Clue 19(B)]lines 45-46] mi Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Not mentioned

20. Factual Information I (C)

Q. In paragraph 5, the author states that a vortex within a thunderstorm is made to spin faster when

Why? ~See Clue 20(C)[lines 62-64]

► … the rising air can be sculpted into a narrow column, increasing its rotational speed.

21. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word spawned in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? produced can replace spawned in this context. —See Clue 21(C)[lines 56-57]

spawn v. to make a series of things occur

produce v. to create something

22. Vocabulary I (D)

Q. The word detected in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? noticed can replace detected in this context. —See Clue 24(A)[lines 79-81]

detect v. to discover something, especially something that is hard to notice

notice v. to realize or pay particular attention to something

23. Factual Information I (D)

According to the passage, the vortexes of tornadoes and dust devils are invisible unless

Why? -See Clue 23(D) Lines 26-31, 74-76] mm Why Not? (B) Incorrect —See lines 94-96

24. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word pram in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? subject can replace prone in this context

prone adj. having a natural inclination or tendency to something

subject adj. likely to be affected by something (especially something unpleasant)

25. Inference I (C)

Q. From paragraph 7, it can be inferred that ‘tornado alley’ in America

Why? (C) can be inferred from the information in lines 82-85. —See Clue 25(C) b Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not supported

26. Insert Text | [B]

Q. Look at the four squares [|] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [A] Perhaps the most famous is America’s “tornado alley/ an area that covers several midwestem states, where cold air from the Rocky Mountains or Canada often meets warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. [B] Some of the most frequent and violent tornado activity on Earth takes place here. The ability of these whirlwinds to exceed wind speeds of 480 km/h poses great risks to life and property, killing approximately sixty people each year in the United States. [C]

► “here” in the given sentence refers to “tornado alley.’

27. Schematic Table

Q. Directions: Complete the table by matching the phrases below.

Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the type of whirlwind to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points.



Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
Dust Devils (C) Require clear weather conditions Clue 27(C)[lines 41-43] Sunny, clear, dry weather with little or no wind offers the prime conditions for the generation of a devil.
(D) Form from the rapid heating of air Clue 27{D)[lines 17-19] A dust devil is created when a column of air suddenly heats up relative to the surrounding temperature.
Tornadoes (A) Arise due to the advancement of cold air Clue 27(A)[lines 55-56] tornadoes form as a result of the movement of cold air
(E) Have the potential to be very destructive Clue 27(E)[lines 86-88] The ability of these whirlwinds to exceed wind speeds of 480 km/h poses great risks to life and property
(H) Are generated by preexisting storm systems Clue 27(H)[lines 56-57] Most tornadoes are spawned by powerful thunderstorm systems.
Both (B) Can occur without being visible Clue 27(B)[lines 26-27] When it first begins to develop, the devil is invisible [line 74] Sometimes, tornadoes are not detected
(G) Last for a relatively short period of time Clue 27(G)[line 51] They are typically short-lived

[lines 94-96] Like dust devils, the average tornado is somewhat short-lived


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