TOEFL IBT Reading Practice Test 09 Solution & Explanation

Solution for TOEFL iBT Reading Practice Test 09

KEY for reading passage 2

15. (B) 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (A) 21. (B) 22. (A) 23. (C) 24 (B) 25. (B) 26. Impact Theory: (A), (C), (H) / Volcano-Greenhouse Theory: (B), (E), IB, (G)

15. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word enticing in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? inviting can replace enticing in this context. **See Clue 15(B)[lines 1-4]

# enticing ad j. tempting or alluring

inviting adj. so attractive you want to experience it

16. Inference I (B)

Q. In paragraph 2, what can be inferred about the iridium in the Earth’s crust?

Why? (B) can be inferred from the information in lines 21-24. **See Clue 16(B)

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Not supported

17. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word Speculation in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? conjecture can replace speculation in this context. **See Clue 17(A)[lines 24-28]

conjecture n. formation of ideas or opinions without much basis

speculation n. guess about something

18. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 3, some scientists initially doubted the validity of the impact theory because

Why? ^See Clue 18(C)[lines 50-57]

► … when it was initially presented, some scientists were skeptical about the idea of an enormous asteroid. Due to the fact that objects of that size make impressive craters, they argued that the impact mark from the Alvarez asteroid should still be observable. However, for years no one was able to identify a crater of the appropriate size and age. mi

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

19. Sentence Simplification I (C)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? The widely accepted impact theory, proposed by Luis Alvarez in 1980, // explains that the high levels of iridium at the K-T boundary may have been caused by a huge asteroid—probably miles in diameter—that slammed into the Earth 65 million years ago, // and the result of that impact was a colossal explosion that created sky-darkening dust clouds around the entire planet.

Why Not? (A), (D) Incorrect

(B) Information about the effect of an asteroid hit on Earth is left out.

20. Reference I (A)

Q. The word they in the passage refers to

Why? … when it was initially presented, and some scientists were skeptical about the idea of an enormous asteroid. Because objects of that size make impressive craters, they argued that the impact mark from the Alvarez asteroid should still be observable. —See Clue 20(A)[lines 51-55]

21. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The phrase  ushering in in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? introducing can replace ushering in in this context. See Clue 21(B)[lines 65-68]

introduce v. to bring about for the first time

usher in to bring or attend at the beginning

22. Inference I (A)

Q. According to the passage, what does the author imply about the volcano-greenhouse theory?

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 69-70. ~See Clue 22(A)

Why Not? (B), (D) Incorrect —See lines 99-100/(C) Not supported

23. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word fatally in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? lethally can replace fatally in this context. —See Clue 23(C)[lines 88-90]

fatally adv. in a way that results in death

lethally adv: in a way that causes death

24. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 4, the volcano-greenhouse theory claims that species became extinct because

Why? -See Clue 24(B)[lines 92-95]

Why Not? (A), (D) Each mentioned in lines 91,81-84, but they are not the direct causes for the species’ extinction / (C) Not mentioned

25. Insert Text [B]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

 Why? [A] What caused the mass extinctions about 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period has long been an enticing scientific riddle, and the reasons for the resulting extermination of the dinosaurs have been the topic of fierce dispute for some time. [B] Since the 1970s, scientists have extensively researched the matter, attempting to ascertain why dinosaurs, which had been the dominant land animals for approximately 160 million years, suddenly vanished at the end of the Cretaceous Period. By studying the layers of the Earth’s crust that correspond to the time period of the mass extinctions, scientists have uncovered clues that, over the past few decades of debate, have evolved into two major theories about the cause of the mysterious mass extinctions. [C]

► “the matter” in the given sentence refers to “What caused the mass extinctions.

26. Schematic Table

Q. Directions: Complete the table by matching the phrases below.

Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the theory to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points.



Correct Answer Choices ,

Clues in the passage

  (A) Involves a destructive effect caused by dust from a major explosion Clue 26(A)[lines 34-37] the result of that impact was a colossal explosion that created sky-darkening dust clouds around the entire planet
Impact Theory (C) Describes the catastrophes caused by blockage of sunlight Clue 26(C)[lines 44-49] The absence of sunlight and the sudden temperature drop would have quickly destroyed plant species, gradually starved larger herbivores … and eventually killed the carnivores …
  (H) Has a major source of evidence just off the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico Clue 26(H)[lines 59-62] researchers stumbled upon a probable impact site— a huge crater partially submerged in the ocean off the coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula
  (B) Theorizes that the iridium at the K-T boundary is native to the Earth Clue 26(B)[lines 75-76] the iridium in the K-T boundary originated in the center of the Earth


(E) Suggests that there were disastrous results of a change in the gas composition of the Earth’s atmosphere Clue 26(E)[lines 84-90] would have thrown massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, creating a greenhouse effect… The volcano-greenhouse theory asserts that the planet’s temperature would have risen and fatally disrupted the biosphere.
Theory (F) Hypothesizes that the Earth’s temperature rose during the extinction period Clue 26<F)[lines 88-90] The volcano-greenhouse theory asserts that the planet’s temperature would have risen and fatally disrupted the biosphere.
  (G) Refers to geologic phenomena located on the Indian subcontinent Clue 26(G)[lines 78-81] the Deccan Traps—a volcanic region on the Indian subcontinent—exhibited some of the most severe volcanism in the entire history of the planet

Why Not? (D) Incorrect “See lines 1-2/ (I) Not mentioned


KEY for reading passage 3

27. (B) 28. (A) 29. [A] 30.(D) 31. (B) 32.(C) 33. (B) 34. (D) 35. (C) 36. (A) 37.(D) 38. (B), (E). (F)

27. Vocabulary | (B)

Q. The word  curtailed in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? reduced can replace curtailed in this context. –See Clue 27(B)[lines 16-18]

curtail v. to reduce or limit something

reduce v. to bring down to a smaller extent size, amount or price

28. Reference I (A)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? When a PCB chemical enters the human body, it is transported throughout the body by the bloodstream and is eventually stored in fatty tissue, where it typically lingers for a long time. ~See Clue 28{A)[lines 31-36]

29. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word expelled in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? eliminated can replace expelled in this context. **See Clue 29(A)]lines 38-39]

expel v. to discharge or eject something; to force or drive out

eliminate v. to completely get rid of something

30. Negative Fact I (D)

Q. In paragraph 3, the author states that PCBs are responsible for all of the following health problems EXCEPT

Why Not?


Incorrect Answer Choices Mentioned in the passage
(A) issues with reproductive abnormalities [lines 42-43] reproductive irregularities
(B) conditions related to the immune system [line 44] conditions affecting the immune system
(C) different kinds of cancer [line 43] various types of cancer

31. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word  negligence in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? disregard can replace negligence in this context. **See Clue 31(B)[lines 63-66]

negligence n. failure to take care of something that you are responsible for

disregard n. lack of attention; neglect

32. Sentence Simplification I (C)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Soon after, rising fears regarding the poisonous aspects of PCBs, and their constant exposure to the environment, // resulted in congressional intervention in 1976, // when the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed, prohibiting the commercial production and distribution of PCBs. of the chemicals

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Incorrect

33. Inference I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 4, which of the following sentences most accurately reflects the author’s opinion about General Electric’s use of PCBs?

Why? (B) can be inferred from combining the information in lines 63-66 and lines 69-71. ‘See Clue 33(B)

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Incorrect •’See lines 63-66,69-71

34. Rhetorical Purpose I (D)

Q. In paragraph 4, why does the author mention activist groups?

Why? Activist groups are mentioned as an example of organizations that tried to stop the further use of PCBs. ‘See Clue 34{D)[lines 58-62]

35. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 5, how are some researchers attempting to reduce PCB pollution?

Why? ‘See Clue 35(C)[lines 89-94]

► … researchers conducted studies on ways to eliminate PCBs from the environment using bacteria that exist naturally. The researchers focused their work on the badly contaminated Hudson River, using an inexpensive system involving anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

36. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word  conversion in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? transformation can replace conversion in this context «”See Clue 36{A)[lines 97-99]

conversion n. switching something from one form to another one

transformation n. total change

37. Insert Text [D]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [C] However, due to these qualities, PCBs remain in the environment and are difficult to remove. [D] If discarded in water or soil, for instance, the chemicals can cause major ecological problems.

► “the chemicals’ in the given sentence refers to ‘PCBs.’

38. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Why? The presence of harmful PCBs in the environment remains a current and global pollution issue.


Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) PCBs have a stable nature that allows them to remain in the environment for a long time, causing serious health problems to humans and animals. Clue 38(B)[lines 11-12] They are also known to be very stable

[lines 14-15] due to these qualities, PCBs remain in the environment

[lines 41-45] they may reach the dangerous levels to which reproductive irregularities, various types of cancer, conditions affecting the immune system, and other illnesses have been attributed

(E) Before the 1970s corporations dumped millions of pounds of PCBs into the environment, but as people became aware of the dangers, the government restricted the chemicals’ use. Clue 38(E)[lines 69-71] It had dumped approximately 1.3 million pounds of PCBs into the Hudson River, [lines 75-78] rising fears regarding the poisonous aspects of PCBs, and their constant exposure to the environment, resulted in congressional intervention in 1976
(F) Researchers are working on ways to clean up the PCB waste that, though discarded before the 1970s, continues to pollute the environment. Clue 38(F)[lines 16-21] Before PCB use was curtailed by legislation in the 1970s, their widespread use created environmental problems that remain current global issues. PCBs persist in the environment and pollute the ecosystem by contaminating water, soil, and air.

[lines 89-90] researchers conducted studies on ways to eliminate PCBs from the environment

► The whole passage focuses on the serious effect of PCBs in the environment and the response to it. And it follows that <(B) Qualities of PCBs and their effect on the environment —*• (E) Discard of PCBs by corporations and the restriction of the government — (F) Attempt to clean the PCB chemicals) ~See

Why Not? (A) Mentioned in lines 6-9, but minor / (C) Mentioned in lines 19-21, 30-31, but minor / (D) Mentioned in lines 34-36, but minor


1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (D) 11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (D) 14. (B). (D), (F)


5. Vocabulary I (D)

Q. The word  repercussions in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? impacts can replace repercussions in this context «-See Clue 5(D)[lines 44-45, 46, 50]

repercussion n. effect, influence, or result of an action or event

impact n. effect or influence of one thing on another

6. Inference I (A)

Q. According to paragraph 4, it can be inferred that, after it was created, the Erie Canal rapidly became

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 51-58. **See Clue 6(A)

Why Not? (B), (D) Not supported / (C) Incorrect See lines 51-58

7. Reference I (B)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? … the volume of shipping traffic quickly escalated. Even the widespread growth of the railroad as a viable form of land transportation in the mid-1800s did nothing to lessen it ~See Clue 7(B)[lines 54-58]

8. Rhetorical Purpose I (A)

Q. In paragraph 5, the author mentions Ohio, Indian and Illinois to

Why? Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are mentioned in order to show that inhabitants in those regions could deliver their goods to the eastern markets thanks to the Erie Canal, and that the canal ultimately contributed to the westward expansion of the nation. ■*- See Clue 8(A)[lines 62-66,69-71]

9. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word facilitating in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? aiding can replace facilitating in this context. —See Clue 9(A)[lines 68-71]

facilitate v. to make it easier for something to happen

aid v. to help or offer assistance

10. Sentence Simplification I (D)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Within fifteen years of the canal’s construction, // the amount of goods flowing into New York City and the resultant blossoming of commercial activities had transformed the city into the country’s busiest port, // and ultimately helped it become the prosperous metropolis it is today.

Why Not? (A) Information that the Erie Canal helped New York become the prosperous city it is today is left out.

(B) Not mentioned

(C) Information about the effect of the Erie Canal on the commerce of New York is left out.

11. Factual Information I (B)

Q. According to paragraph 6, how was the canal modified in both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

Why? ■■’See Clue 1 lines 82-83, 86-88]

► Between 1836 and 1862, it was enlarged … The enlargement process was carried out again in the early 1900s…

Why Not? (A), (C) Mentioned in lines 90-94, but only true of the 20th century / (D) Not mentioned

12. Factual Information I (C)

Q. In paragraph 7, the author states that the Erie Canal currently

Why? -See Clue 12(C) lines 99-101]

► … in 1994, all commercial traffic on the waterway was stopped.

Why Not? (A), (D) Not mentioned / (B) Incorrect **See lines 99-103

13. Insert Text [D]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [B]The substantial changes in elevation along the route required the installation of eighty-three locks that would lift or lower cargo to the level of the next section of canal. [C] it included eighteen raised aqueducts that allowed the waterway to cross ravines and rivers. [D] Also, bridges were built so that  preexisting roads cut by the canal could remain in use. Cargo barges were usually pulled by a team of pack animals from a towpath that ran alongside the canal.

14. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Why? In the early nineteenth century, the Erie Canal was created as a way to move goods across New York to points farther west.


Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) A truly monumental project involving numerous construction tasks, the canal was finished in 1825 after about eight years of work. Clue 14(B)[line 25] construction began in 1817 [lines 26-29] the arduous undertaking was carried out by hundreds of hardworking local and immigrant laborers

[lines 30-31] In 1825, the Erie Canal was completed

(D) The Erie Canal provided a cheap means of shipping products between distant regions, significantly boosting the economies of both the Midwest and New York City. Clue 14(D)[lines 51-54] transporting a ton of cargo by road from Buffalo to New York City cost around $100. By 1835, the canal had cut the figure to only four dollars per ton

[lines 69-72] the Erie Canal greatly contributed to the westward expansion of the American nation. However, the eastern endpoint of the route was affected as well.

(F) Over the years, the canal was updated to address increases in traffic and remained in use until it was finally sidelined by the highway system. Clue 14(F)[lines 80-82] As shipping traffic increased and new engineering technologies became available, the canal received many upgrades.

[lines 95-99] It was not until the second half of the twentieth century, when highways began to replace railways as the dominant form of land transport, that use of the Erie Canal began to decrease rapidly.

► The whole passage focuses on the construction of the Erie Canal and its effects on the economy of the U.S. And it follows that ((B) The construction of the Erie Canal —* (D) The effects of the Erie Canal on the economies of the Midwest and New York City —* (F) Updates to the Erie Canal and end of its commercial use) **See

Why Not? (A) Mentioned in lines 12-15, but minor / (C) Not supported / (E) Incorrect ~See lines 95-99

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