TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 10 Solution, Explanation & Transcripts

TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 10 Solution, Explanation & Transcripts

TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 10 From Delta’s Key TOEFL Test Solution & Explanation

1. D

The student’s purpose is to learn if he still has required courses to take. The student says …I wanted to check with you to see if there are any courses I still need before I transfer. I think I ve filled all the requirements, but I, uh, just wanted to make sure before I register. (2.3)

2. B

The adviser’s purpose is to let the student know that she will have to leave soon. The student asks the adviser if she is busy, and she tells him about a meeting at two-thirty. She says that she has a few minutes before she must leave for the meeting. (2.3)

3. B

The student says …I hope to transfer to the university next year. (2.2)

4. B, D

The student must take a course in natural science: You ’re required to have at least one more natural science course before you can transfer. He must also take a course in physical education: …it looks like you also need two credits in physical education; You ’re required to have four credits, and you’ve only got two so far. (2.2)

5. C

The student implies that he would like to know more about golf. He says I’ve only played a couple of times, but I need to do better than that. My boss plays golf and he’s always talking about it. It would be nice to know what he’s talking about! (2.4)

6. C

The professor mainly discusses a severe type of immune response called anaphylaxis. The professor says A massive allergic reaction to a sting is known as anaphylaxis; Anaphylaxis is actually a disease, a severe form of allergic over-response by the immune system when it s suddenly faced with a foreign substance. (2.1)

7. B, C

Bee venom can initiate anaphylaxis: One type of immune response has to do with bees…; But stings and bites usually aren V dangerous… unless you have an allergic reaction to the venom. Peanuts can initiate anaphylaxis: No one who was with her at the time knew she was allergic to peanuts, so they didn’t know why she suddenly went into respiratory distress. The reason, of course, was anaphylaxis. (2.2)

8. D
The professor’s purpose is to stress the serious effects of an allergy. The professor says …that’s what happened last year to a little girl who ate a peanut cookie at a birthday party. No one who was with her at the time knew she was allergic to peanuts, so they didn’t know why she suddenly went into respiratory distress. The reason, of course, was anaphylaxis. But by the time the medics got there, it was too late, and the girl died. (2.3)

9. A
The professor’s purpose is to stress the mysterious nature of severe immune responses. Scientists do not understand why some immune systems go crazy, or overreact to an offending substance, while other immune systems do not. (2.3)

Yes: The chest feels tight and breathing is difficult:The chest feels tight, and the person has trouble breathing…./

Yes: The face and throat begin to swell: The tissues of the face and throat may swell up./

No: Fatty particles attach to the walls of blood vessels: Not supported by the information in the lecture.

Yes: The body releases histamine into the bloodstream: This sets off a whole series of reactions involving the release of histamine into the bloodstream.

No: The blood pressure rises dangerously high: The blood pressure drops dangerously low. (2.6)

11. C
The professor says With anaphylaxis, a few minutes can make the difference between life and death, so the keys to survival are being prepared and acting quickly. You can infer that survival depends on immediate medical treatment. (2.4)

12. D
The professor mainly discusses the effects of mail-order catalogs on rural America. The professor says Farm families were isolated, often with limited funds, and few could afford the time or the expense of shopping in the city. But all of this changed with the introduction of the mail-order catalog; TheSears catalog sold food, clothing, machinery, tools, stoves—anything and everything a farm family might need. (2.1)

13. A
The professor says In 1872, a Chicago merchant named Montgomery Ward began sending copies of a catalog to thousands of farmers in the Midwest;This is how Montgomery Ward and Company became the nation s first mail-order company. (2.2)

14. C
The professor’s purpose is to explain how these services helped the mail-order business. The professor says The mail-order business spread rapidly, largely because of improvements in postal services. The post office established Rural FreeDelivery… and Parcel Post…; These new services greatly contributed to the success of mail-order houses. (2.3)

15. A, B
The mass production of goods and the wide distribution of catalogs led to the similarity of goods available nationwide: The wide distribution of the Sears catalog had another interesting effect. The Sears catalog had a lotto do with the similarity of goods available nationwide. Of course, this was also due to the mass-production of goods; The two factors working together—mass production and nationwide distribution—tended to minimize regional differences in clothing styles. (2.2)

16. C
The professor means that the Sears catalog taught immigrants about American culture. The purpose of a textbook is to teach, and the Sears catalog was like a textbook because it taught immigrants how to dress, how to furnish their homes, and…how to cook American food. (2.4)

Disagree: Nineteenth-century farm families had the same cultural opportunities as city residents: .. farm families felt that they weren’t keeping up with the urban population, which had electric lights, telephones, and access to the latest goods in department stores. Farm families were isolated, often with limited funds, and few could afford the time or the expense of shopping in the city,

Agree: Mail-order companies changed the lives of farm families across the country: This contact with the outside world broke their isolation and changed the outlook of rural America. Thanks to the mail-order houses of Montgomery Ward and Sears and Roebuck, no farm was too isolated to be aware of the latest clothing, furniture, farm equipment, music, and literature

Disagree: Clothing ordered from mail-order catalogs was more fashionable than clothing bought in department stores: Sears didn’t pretend to be a leader in fashion, but it did try to provide what average Americans wanted,

Agree: The Sears catalog provided an important illustration of American life: And for immigrants who wanted to become Americans, the Sears catalog was a textbook. Here they learned how to dress, how to furnish their homes, and… how to cook American food. (2.4)

18. B
The speakers mainly discuss factors that affect the color of water. The student asks …why is water blue, like blue glass? The tutor says It’s because water transmits light of every color, but it’s clearest for colors with shorter wavelengths; Well, there are actually lots of factors that affect the color of water.(2.1)

19. A
The student means that she does not believe that water is colorless. She was taught that water doesn’t have a color, but her own eyes tell her otherwise.Her eyes tell her that water does have a color. (2.4)

20. D
The student’s purpose is to check her understanding of what the tutor said. She says So, that means….Then she repeats the tutor’s explanation in her own words to check whether she understands correctly.(2.3)

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