Unit 7 – IELTS Writing task 2 – Common topics in Task 2

Common Topics in Writing Task 2

Each task 2 question has a request and a topic. If you are asking a topic to shape the way it is written, the topic will determine the content. Once we have identified the topic of the lesson, we can choose the vocabulary appropriate to that topic to write the sentence.

We can package the topics in Task 2 into the following 10 main sections:

– Health

– Environment

– Education

– Globalization

– Development

– Public Transport

– Crime

– Technology

– Government

– Employment

There may be smaller topics, but it is also one of the 10 main topics here. So how do we build the vocabulary for these topics?

1. Read the sample text:
The fastest way for you to acquire vocabulary that is sufficient and appropriate for each topic is to read sample literature. Specifically, when reading the sample text, identify the main topic of the article you are reading, then look for words under this topic and underline. Often the “unique” words for each topic will be nouns, so pay special attention to this word format.

2. Read the paper:
The principle is the same as above, but you will have less chance of finding words to learn. The simple reason is that the vocabulary of the newspaper is quite large, but in the sample text, words that have been written almost can be used. However, newspapers and magazines are still the standard of language that we want to target.

3. See Ted Talks:
If you haven’t already, the above topics are all social topics. But for social topics, there is hardly a better source of reference than Ted Talks. When the speakers speak, you should note the special words of the topic they are talking about. Again, note the noun.

In addition, to help you learn better Wiki Study English will have a lot of sharing for many different topics. Thereby, for each topic, there will be similarities and differences as well as a vocabulary-grammar system with different levels. This will help you to conquer IELTS Writing task 2 with the highest possible score.

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Health Phrasal Verbs (Meaning & Example)

Health Phrasal Verbs (with Meaning and Examples)

Health Phrasal Verbs (with Meaning and Examples)

Health Phrasal Verbs (with Meaning and Examples)
Pass away

Meaning: Die
Example: His mother passed away last year.

Run over

Meaning: Hit by a vehicle
Example: Two children were run over and killed.

Break out

Meaning: Develop skin sores or irritation
Example: The measles caused me to break out in a rash.

Fight off

Meaning: Resist an illness
Example: I’m trying to fight off a cold.

Come to

Meaning: Become conscious
Example: When he came to, he was lying on the floor with his hands tied behind his back.

Pass out

Meaning: Faint, lose consciousness
Example: People everywhere were passing out from the heat.

Get over

Meaning: Recover from something
Example: It’s taken me ages to get over the flu.

Come down with

Meaning: Become sick (not seriously)
Example: I think I’m coming down with the flu.

Throw up

Meaning: Be sick, vomit
Example: The baby’s thrown up her dinner.

Come round

Meaning: Become conscious
Example: Your mother hasn’t yet come round from the anesthetic.

Work out

Meaning: Train the body through physical exercise
Example: I work out regularly to keep fit.

Warm up

Meaning: Begin a physical activity gradually
Example: It’s necessary to warm up before exercise to prevent injuries.

Block up

Meaning: Stop something from moving through something else
Example: My nose is blocked up.

Lay (Laid) up

Meaning: Unable to work, etc. because of an illness or injury
Example: She’s laid up with a broken leg.

Swell up

Meaning: Become large, inflated, or bulging
Example: The boy’s arm swelled up where the bee had stung him.

Clog up

Meaning: Become or cause to become obstructed
Example: High-fat foods can clog up our arteries.

Dose up (UK)

Meaning: Give medicine to
Example: You should dose up with vitamin C to fight colds off.

Lay low

Meaning: Render someone unable to move or leave their bed
Example: The flu usually lays people low for five to ten days.

Let up

Meaning: Become less strong or stop
Example: A cold continues at its peak for several days, then it gradually let up.

Shake off

Meaning: Shake something in order to get something off of it
Example: She has failed to shake off her stomach injury.

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