TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 04 from Barron’s TOEFL iBT Solution & Transcription

TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 04 from Barron’s TOEFL iBT Solution & Transcription

TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 04 from Barron’s TOEFL iBT Solution

Listening 1 “Professor’s Office”

1. D

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. A, C

8. B

9. B

Listening 2 “Anthropology Class”

1o. C

11. YES: A, B, D | NO: C, E

Listening 3 “Business Class”

12. B

13. D

14. A

15. B

16. D

17. B

Listening 4 “Student on Campus”

18. B

19. A

20. B

21. C

22. A

Listening 5 “Biology Class”

23. D

24. B

25. A

26. A

27. B

28. D

Listening 6 “Orientation Session”

29. B

30. A

31. B

32. C

33. A: Fixating | C: Regressing | B: Auditory reading

34. D

TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 04 from Barron’s TOEFL iBT Transcripts


Audio Conversation

Narrator         Listen to part of a conversation on campus between a student and a professor.

Professor: So what did you want to see me about Emie?

Student:         My grade. I’m not doing very well in this class.

Professor. Well, that’s not exactly true. You were doing very well until the last test.

Student:         I got a D. Professor Adams, I’ve never gotten a D in my life… before this, I mean. So that’s why I’m here. I hope you can give me some advice.

Professor. Well, from my class book, I see that your attendance is excellent. No absences, so that’s not the problem.

Student:         No. I never miss class. I’m a serious student. I just don’t know what happened on that test.

Professor:  Did you bring it? The test?

Student: Yes. I did. Here it is.

Professor:  Okay. I think I remember this, but there were almost a hundred tests to grade, so let’s have a look at it.

Student:         Thanks.

Professor: Well, Ernie … let’s see … Here it is. Yes, I do recall this test. You didn’t finish it You stopped after question 15. So you had 5 questions that were counted wrong because they… because you didn’t complete the test.

Student:         I know. I didn’t watch the time, and I just couldn’t believe it when you asked us to hand in the tests.

Professor: Yes. I see. But you did a good job on the questions that you did respond to.

Student:         Professor Adams, maybe you won’t believe me, but I know the answers to the questions that I… that… that…

Professor: The ones that you left blank at the end.

Student:         Yeah. So now I need some advice about how to bring up my grade because a D is going to make a big difference.

Professor: This test counts 25 percent so. uh,… you’re right. It will bring it down at least a letter.

Student:         I know.

Professor. Okay then. The first thing is to learn something from this. You have to find a way to pace yourself through tests or you’re going to have this problem again.

Student:  Okay. That’s good. Now, uh, what about the grade for this class?

Student:         I was hoping you might give me a chance to… to maybe do an extra credit assignment.

Professor:  Hummm. I don’t know about that.

Student:         Oh.

Professor:  But here’s what we can do. If you want to finish the test right now, and your answers are satisfactory, then I’ll add some points to your grade.

Student:         You will? I know the answers. Really I…

Professor … I can’t give you full credit for your answers. That wouldn’t be fair to the other students, but I can add some points, and that should help you somewhat.

Student:         Wow. This is great.

Professor:  Okay. Just take your test over there and finish it. You had about an hour to complete 20 questions, so, uh,… that would be 15 minutes to finish the 5 questions you left blank. And Ernie … pace yourself.

Student:         I will! Thanks. Thanks a lot. 



Audio Lecture

Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in an anthropology dass The professor is discussing agriculture


Let’s just pick up where we left off last week. Okay, as you’ll recall, earlier theories about the develop ment of agriculture tended to view it as a progressive event, or even as a catalyst for everything from art to industry, but I’m going to share a rather different view with you. From a revisionist perspective, the development of agriculture about 10,000 years ago didn’t improve the lives of early farmers. On the contrary. when hunter-gatherers abandoned the age-old method of foraging for food and began to cultivate crops, they put their health at risk. Now I know it’s just the opposite of… it’s quite a different viewpoint let’s say, so… why would this be so . why would their health decline when agriculture provided people with an efficient way to get more food for less work?

Clearly, cultivated fields yield more food per acre than uncultivated land with undomesticated patches of berries and nuts. Well, first let’s consider the conditions that are necessary for agriculture to flourish. In order to have enough labor to plant, tend, and harvest crops, a larger number of people must well they have to cooperate. That means that the density of the population must increase in the area surrounding the cultivated farms. And, as we know, crowding contributes to the transmission of infectious diseases. So when hunter-gatherers were wandering in small bands, the likelihood of an epidemic was slight, but after the agricultural revolution, tuberculosis . . . and diseases of the intestinal tract.. . these began to reach epidemic proportions in the crowded agricultural communities. And in addition, because the population was no longer mobile and … and relied on trade to inject variety into the lives and diets of the farmers, that meant that disease was also transmitted through the exchange of goods.                        •

Now, the revisionists also argue that the content of the (Set for earty farmers was inferior to that of the hunter-gatherers. You’ll recall that hunter-gatherers enjoyed a variety of foods selected from wild plants and game, and in studies of modem tribes that have continued the tradition of hunting and gathering food, it appears that those … the hunters and gatherers … they have a better balance of nutrients and even more protein than tribes that have adopted agricultural lifestyles. Today, three grain crops… wheat, com, and rice… these account for the bulk of calories consumed by farming societies. So, consider the implications. Extrapolating from this and from evidence that earty farmers raised only one or two crops, we can conclude that a disproportionate amount of carbohydrates formed the basis of their diets.

Now another interesting series of studies involve the skeletal remains of hunter-gatherers as com-pared with their agricultural relatives. And one such study from Greece and Turkey… it indicates that the average height of hunter-gatherers at the end of the Ice Age was … let me check my notes… yes, it was 5’9s for men and 5’5 for women. And their bones were strong, healthy, and athletic. But, after the agricultural revolution, skeletal remains revealed that height had diminished to a shocking 5’3s for men and 5’ for women. And evidence from bone samples suggests that they suffered from diseases caused by malnutrition, like anemia. And this is interesting. Further studies from paleontologists at the University of Massachusetts project life expectancies for hunter-gatherers at about twenty-six years, but post agricultural life expectancies were less than twenty years. Let me just read you something from one of the studies by George Armelagos, and I quote, “episodes of nutritional stress and infectious disease were seriously affecting their ability to survive.” And he’s referring to earty farmers here.

So. let’s see where we are. Oh, yes. Consider that hunter-gatherers had the advantage of mobility. So if food wasn’t plentiful, they broke camp and moved on in search of an area with a larger food supply. And, if one type of food were in short supply, for example … well, berries, then they wouldn’t eat berries but there would probably be a good supply of another type of food, like nuts. Or hunting might compensate for a bad year for plant foods But farmers were very vulnerable to crop failures. Remember, most early farmers cultivated only one or two crops. If there was a drought and the grain harvest failed, they didn’t have other resources and that’s why they were subject to malnutrition or even starvation. So, as you see, revisionists have made a rather convincing case. To sum it up, according to the revisionists, the development of agriculture put the health of earty fanners at risk.

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TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Test 02 Solution & Transcription

TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Test 02 Solution & Transcription

TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Test 02 Solution

Listening 1 “Professor’s Office”

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. C

5. A

Listening 2 “Art History Class”

6. C

7. A

8. C

9. A

10. C

11. B

Listening 3 “Linguistic “

12. B

13. A

14. A, C

15. B

16. A

17. D

Listening 4 “College Campus”

18. C

19. A

20. B

21. D

22. C

Listening 5 “Zoology Class”

23. B

24. C

25. A

26. B, C

27. C

28. A – B- C : YES / D : NO

Listening 6 “Business Class”

29. A

30. C

31. B

32. A

33. D

34. D

TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Test 02 Transcripts


Audio Conversation

Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a professor


Student: Professor James. Do you have a minute?

Professor: Sure. Come on in. What can I do for you?

Student: Well. I did pretty well on the midterm

Professor: You sure did. One of the best grades, as I recall.

Student: But I missed a question, and Td appreciate it if you could help me understand what I did wrong. I have the test right here, and I just can’t figure it out.

Professor: Okay. Fire away.

Student: It’s question 7… the one on biotic provinces and biomes.

Professor: Oh, that one. Um, quite a few people missed it. I was thinking that we should go over it again in class. But anyway, let’s look at your answer.

Student: Thanks. Here’s the thing. I said that a biotic province was a region with similar life, but with boundaries that prevent plants and animals from spreading to other regions. So an

animal, for example, a mammal … it may have a genetic ancestor in common with another mammal. But a biome is a similar environment, an ecosystem really, like a desert or a tropical rainforest. So, in the case of a biome, well, the similar climate causes the plants and animals to evolve … to adapt to the climate, and that’s why they look alike.

Professor: That’s good, very good… as far as you went. But there’s a second part to the question. Look, right here. Indude an explanation of convergent and dvergent evolution’ So .. .

I was looking for a more complete answer. Next time, be sure to include both parts of a

question . . . when there are two parts like this one Do you know how to explain

convergent and divergent evolution?

Student: I think so. Isn’t it… like when a group of plants or animals … when they’re separated by mountains or a large body of water… then subpopulations evolve from a common ancestor and they have similar characteristics but their development diverges because of the separation, so that’s why we cal it divergent evolution.

Professor: Right Even when the habitat is similar, if they’re separated, then they diverge…. Howabout convergent evolution then?

Student: Well, that would be a situation where a similar environment… a habitat . . it may cause plants and animals to evolve in order to adapt to the conditions. So a species that isn’t really related can evolve with similar characteristics because … it can look like a species in another geographic region because of adaptation … and that would be convergent evolution?

Professor: Right again. So temperature and rainfall, proximity to water, latitude and longitude all combine to determine the climate, and if we know the climate of an area, then we can actually predict what kind of life will inhabit it.

Student: Okay. And I really did know that. I just didn’t put it down. To tell tho truth. I didn’t see the second part. Not until you pointed it out to me. 

Professor: That’s what I thought. Well, Jerry, ifs a good idea to double-check all the questions on a test… not just my test… any test… to make sure you’ve answered each part of the question completely. Otherwise, you won’t get full credit.

Student: I see that. Well, live and learn.

Professor: Jerry, you’re one of my best students.

Student: Thanks. I really like biology. In fact. I’m thinking of majoring in it.

Professor: Good. That means you’ll be in some of my upper-level classes

Student: And I’ll be watching out for those two-part questions on your exams.

Professor: And all the rest of your exams. I’ll be honest with you. My questions usually have two parts so the students will have an insight into the grading system and a lot of pro-fessors do that. In an essay question, it’s difficult to know what to include and how much to write. Just read the question carefully, and be sure to include all the parts. There may be three or four in some essay questions. This is the way that the professor helps you organize your answer. I’m giving my students a hint about what I’m looking for by including several parts to the question. But if you miss one of the parts, then it lowers your score.

Student: That makes sense. I think I was just trying to finish within the time limit, and I didn’t read as carefully as I should have. On the final, I’ll spend more f before I start to answer them.

Professor: Good plan.



Audio Discussion

Narrator Listen to part of a discussion in an art history class.


Sorry about the tests. I don’t have them finished. They just took longer to grade than I thought they would. So … I’ll have them for you next time. Okay then. Let’s begin our discussion of the ballet. … If you read the chapter in your text, you already know that uh … in 1489, a performance that was something like a dinner theater was organized to celebrate the marriage of the Duke of Milan, and… a dance representing Jason and the Argonauts was performed just before the roasted lamb was served. By the way, ifs interesting that the dance was called an entree and that name has been retained for courses in meals. Anyway, about the same time, outdoor entertainment, you know . . . parades and equestrian events .. . they were becoming more popular, and uh … we have evidence that they were referred to as “horse ballets.”

Student 1:

So this … the horse ballet… was it the first time the term ‘bailer was used? 


Right The actual term in Italian was baUetti, which mean! ‘a dance done in figures.’ And it was characterized by the arrangement of the performers in various patterns. Actually, the balletti were staged versions of the social dances that were popular at court, and the steps … the basic movements … they were walking, swaying, and turning … so they combined in a variety of… of… sequences, each of which was named so that, uh, they could be referred to in the directions for individual dances. In fact, specific instructions for the placement of the dancer’s feet probably provided the first, uh … the first record of the five positions of classical ballet. Question?

Student 2:

Sony. I’m trying to get clear on the dancers. Um … could you explain what the book means about court dancing and. uh … I’m not saying this very well.

Professor. .

I think I know where you’re going. You see, the directions that were written down were intended as a reference for social dancing, but they were, uh .. . important in the history of ballet because uh … the theatrical dances or entertainments that preceded ballet were… not performed by professional dancers. Members of the court danced for the entertainment of society, and in general, the performances were in the central halls of castles and palaces with the audience seated in galleries above so that, uh, the floor figures could… could be seen when the people looked down. But back to your question… because of the limitations of the performers and the arrangement of the staging, well, the best way to impress the audience was to keep the steps simple enough for the amateur dancers but the geometrical patterns

had to be. uh intricate and … and fresh … so the spectators would go away pleased because

they’d seen something new.

Student 2:

Oh, I get it now. That makes sense, too, because everyone would be looking down at the dancers.

Exactly. Now to continue that thought for a moment — by the middle of. the sixteenth century, variety shows were being presented on a grand scale in Northern Italy. They included both indoor and outdoor entertainment, and most people called them spectacuti. And. uh … France had begun to make a significant contribution to tho dance form that evolved into modem ballet. But, to be precise, it was Catherine de Medici who used dance as part of her court entertainments and is, uh … credited with the use of the term ballet In 1573 … I think it was 1573.. – anyway, she organized a huge celebration to welcome the ambassadors from Poland who had arrived to, uh … to offer their country s throne to her son Henn. So she called it the Pohsh BaHet. and the production was staged on a lancing at the top of a grand staircase. Sixteen ladies… and these would not have been dancers… just members

of court so they represented the sixteen provinces of France, and they performed a choreographed dance with a variety of floor figures. Afterward, the audience joined in court dances, similar to the baHroom dancing that evolved later…. So that’s a long answer to your original question.

Professor Okay.

Student 1:

You said that the Polish Ballet was the first ballet, but I thought the book said the first ballet was Queen Louise’s Ballet.


Good question. Well, I said the Polish Ballet was the first use of the term ballet for a dance performance, but Queen Louise’s Ballet is generally considered the first modem ballet. As you’ll remember, from the book, the ballet was performed before ten thousand guests, and it was five hours long. When I was doing the research for this lecture, I saw several references to the time, so … so I know that this is accurate, but I kept thinking, no one would watch a ballet for five hours. But it must be correct I can only assume that other activities were going on simultaneously, like a banquet and conversation. Don’t you think?

Anyway, what makes Queen Louise’s Ballet so unique, besides the length, and why it’s the first modem ballet, is that it was connected by a story line or, in technical terms, uh, if s called dramatic cohesion. Each scene was related to the tales of Circe, a Greek enchantress, who Used her powers to battle with man and the gods. The triumph of good, portrayed by Jupiter, over evil, portrayed by Circe, was told in a … let’s call it a unified production.

Transcripts for Listening 3 + 4

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TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 04 from Barron’s TOEFL iBT

TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 04 from Barron's TOEFL iBT

TOEFL IBT Listening Practice Test 04 from Barron’s TOEFL iBT

The Listening section tests your ability to understand spoken English that is typical of interactions and academic speech on college campuses. During the test, you will listen to conversations and lectures and answer questions about them.

This is the short format for the Listening section. On the short format, you will listen to two conversations and four lectures. After each listening passage, you will answer 5-6 questions about it. Continue reading

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TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Test 02 From Barron’s TOEFL iBT

TOEFL Listening Practice Test 02 - Wikitoefl.Net

TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Test 02 From Barron’s TOEFL iBT 13th Edition

The Listening section tests your ability to understand spoken English that is typical of interactions and academic speech on college campuses. During the test, you will listen to conversations and lectures and answer questions about them. There are two conversations and four lectures on the short format and three conversations and six lectures on the long format.

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