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Top 10 Most Common Idiomatic Expressions with ‘Like’

Top 10 Most Common Idiomatic Expressions with ‘Like’

Top 10 Most Common Idiomatic Expressions with ‘Like’

💥Sleep like a log

✅Sleep very deeply, sleep very well

💥Sell like hotcakes

✅Sell very well, very quickly

💥Like a fish out of water

✅Completely out of place, not belonging at all

💥Feel like a million

✅Feel very happy

💥Like a bump on a log

✅Do not react in a useful of helpful way to the activities around them

💥Read someone like a book

✅Know exactly someone’s thinking or feelings without having to ask

💥Watch someone like a Hawk

✅Watch someone very carefully, especially because you expect them to do something wrong

💥Fit like a glove

✅It fits exactly

💥Eat like a bird

✅Eat only small amount of food

💥Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand

✅Know very well, in every detail

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