Full Set Improve your ielts skills

Improve Your IELTS book series is considered to be a good document, helping you improve and improve all 4 skills in the IELTS test. Besides, a special kit for students preparing for IETLS exam at home. So let’s take a brief review of Wiki Study English to know what the book provides you with.

A set of 3 books: Improve Your IELTS Listening and Speaking, Writing and Reading is written for those who want to conquer the band score 6.5 – 7.5 IELTS.

I / Improve Your IELTS Writing Skills

The book equips you with the best equipment to pass 2 papers in the Writing section of the IELTS exam. The content of the book focuses on very small details, but it makes a huge decision to your score in the article.

The book consists of 10 units, each unit will discuss how to write task 1 and 2 with a variety of topics. Topics in the book such as: Change and consequences; The importance of the past; Machines, cycles, and process; Education; Youth; Culture; Arts and sciences; Nature; Health; Individual and society. At the end of each lesson, there will be a Practice Test section to help you practice writing more firmly, then an Answer Key section to help you check your writing.

Improve Your IELTS Writing Skills

Improve Your IELTS Writing Skills

Download Improve Your IELTS Writing Skills Book

II / Improve Your IELTS Reading Skills:

Similar to Writing, this book also provides learners with 10 units focused on practicing Reading methods in IELTS.

• Each topic will provide you with a variety of vocabulary on common topics in the IELTS Reading test such as Change and Consequences, The importance of the past, etc. will help you improve your vocabulary. basic to advanced.

• The question types in the test will also be practiced in books such as: True / False / Not Given, Filling the Missing Word, … Besides, the book also guides readers the skills of doing exercises such as: Scanning and Skimming, the Predict way, ..

• In addition, at the end of the lesson there will be Practice section with full test format in IELTS Reading.

Improve Your IELTS Reading Skills

Improve Your IELTS Reading Skills

Download Improve Your IELTS Reading Skills Book

III / Improve Your IELTS Listening and Speaking

This is considered a rare book that combines Listening and Speaking skills. Alternate exercises help you not be bored with a skill, but you also apply Listening knowledge to Speaking and vice versa.

This book also provides 10 units with many common topics in the IELTS test and the knowledge will mix between Listening and Speaking:

For Listening: The author provides the source of knowledge and guides you to access the smallest skills in IELTS
For Speaking: You will learn skills such as Discussion or Describe people, … combine with the exercises attached and provide detailed vocabulary.
At the end of the book, Pronunciation is extremely useful for both Speaking and Listening skills.

Improve Your IELTS Listening and Speaking

Improve Your IELTS Listening and Speaking

Download Improve Your IELTS Listening and Speaking Book

* Above is a share of Wiki Study English about Complete Improve Your Skills 4 Writing, Speaking, Listening & Reading Skills. You should consult all the books and find suitable documents to review well. Hopefully this article will answer the questions of the candidates preparing to enter the upcoming IELTS exam.

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Solution for toefl ibt reading practice test 33


1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (C)    10.    (B)    11.    (C) 12. (A) 13. Temperature: (A), (B), (F), (G) / Aridity: (D), (E), (I)

4. Inference I (A)

Q. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5 about animal activity during midday?

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 47-49. <*See Clue 4(A)

Why Not? (B), (D) Incorrect *~See lines 47-49/ (C) Not supported

5. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 6, kangaroos and cheetahs lick their paws because

Why? —See    Clue 5{C)[lines 53-55]

► Cheetahs and kangaroos, for example, lick their paws because the resulting evaporation of water dissipates heat

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

6. Reference I (C)

Q. The word them in the passage refers to

Why? Cheetahs and kangaroos, for example, lick their paws because the resulting evaporation of water dissipates heat, helping them maintain comfortable body temperatures. «-See Clue 6(C)[lines 53-56]

7. Rhetorical Purpose I (B)

Q. In paragraph 7, the author illustrates the potential efficiency of adaptations to arid climates by

Why? ~See Clue 7(B)[lines 66-69]

8. Factual Information I (C)

Q. According to paragraph 8, some insects meet their water requirements by

Why? ~See Clue 8(C)[lines 73-75]

► their water requirements are fulfilled by the water content in the foods they eat.

Why Not? (A), (B), (D) Not mentioned

9. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word parched in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? dry can replace parched in this context. »See Clue 9<C)[lines 95-97]

•    parched adj. extremely dry, due to hot weather

•    dry adj. lack of water or liquid

10. Inference I (B)

Q. Based on the information in paragraph 8 and paragraph 9, what can be inferred about addax?

Why? (B) can be inferred from combining the information in lines 82-86 and lines 93-94. —See Clue 10(B)

Why Not? (A), (C) Incorrect —See lines 82-86,93-94/ (D) Not supported

11. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. Based on the information in paragraph 10, which of the following best explains the term

Why? -See    Clue    11    (C)lines

12. Insert Text | [A]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why?  Many species avoid the heat by seeking shelter in microclimates—areas that can be considered miniature ”climates* in a sense, for their environmental conditions differ, in terms of temperature, from the larger climate they are contained within. [A] In the desert, such microclimates may exist in the form of shaded refuges or underground retreats. For example, kangaroo rats hide away in a type of underground microclimate—deep burrows that keep them cool. [B]

► ‘such microclimates* in the given sentence refers to ‘microclimates.*

13. Schematic Table

Q. Directions: Complete the table by matching the statements below.

Select the appropriate statements from the answer choices and match them to the type of adaptation to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 4 points.


  Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
Temperature (A) Nocturnal desert species are primarily active during the night. Clue 13(A)[lines 30-32] By waiting until the sun sets to begin their periods of activity, nocturnal animals avoid the heat by coordinating their habits.
(B) In microclimates, some species avoid the general conditions of the regional climate. Clue 13(B)[lines 21-23] Many species avoid the heat by seeking shelter in microclimates—areas that can be considered miniature ‘climates*
(F) Certain species have the ability to adjust their coloration. Clue 13(F)[lines 40-41] Some animals have evolved advantageous coloration
(G) When animals pant, they increase the rate of evaporation from the respiratory tract. Clue 13(G)[lines 57-61] cheetahs … employ evaporative cooling in the form of panting, which facilitates evaporation from the respiratory system
Aridity (D) For grey kangaroos, embryonic diapause facilitates survival in desert regions. Clue 13(D)[lines 106-111] During embryonic diapause,… In this manner, the mother is able to conserve water and at the same time increase her baby’s chances of survival
(E) As they excrete biological wastes, some species expel concentrated urine. Clue 13(E)[lines 93-94] these animals discharge highly concentrated urine
(1) Desert conditions cause some species to temporarily stop breeding. Clue 13(l)[lines 102-104] Grey kangaroos also stop breeding when there are insufficient water supplies

Why Not? (C), (H) Not mentioned

1. Rhetorical Purpose I (B)

Q. In paragraph 1, why does the author mention

Why? **See Clue 1(B)[lines 7-9]

2. Sentence Simplification I (B)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Maintaining optimal body temperatures is critical for animals in a variety of climates, // but in regions where environmental temperatures range to high extremes, // control over body temperature is particularly essential, // often making the difference between life and death.

Why Not? (A), (C), (D) Information about how maintaining optimal body temperatures is critical for desert animals is left out.

3. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word scorching in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? burning can replace scorching in this context. *See Clue 3(C)[lines 16-17]

scorching adj. extremely hot 

burning adj. on fire


14. (C) 15. (D) 16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (D) 19. (A) 20. (B) 21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24.(D) 25. (D) 26. (B) 27. (B), (C). (D)

14. Vocabulary [C]

Q. The word mitigate in the passage is closest in meaning to14. Vocabulary I (C)

Why? relieve can replace mitigate in this context. —See Clue 14(C)[lines 3-6]

•    mitigate v. to lessen the unpleasant effects of a situation

•    relieve v. to free or lessen someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings

15. Factual Information I (D)

Q. According to paragraph 1, what is the purpose of the Millennium Environmental Assessment?

Why? —See Clue 15(D)[lines 10-15]

► The aims of this research program are to provide people—both decision-making officials and the general public—with information about the likely future consequences of current human activity that affects the ecosystem.

16. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word fundamental in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? basic can replace fundamental in this context —See Clue 16(C)]lines 30-31]

•    fundamental adj. relating to the most basic and key parts of something

•    basic adj. forming the base or most necessary part of something

17. Inference I (A)

Q. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that focusing exclusively on the marketability of a natural resource is hazardous because

Why? (A) can be inferred from the information in lines 38-40. —See Clue 17(A)

Why Not? (B), (D) Not supported / (C) Incorrect —See lines 38-42

18. Rhetorical Purpose I (D)

Q. Why does the author mention Chicago in paragraph 3?

Why? Chicago is mentioned as an example of a region that forests provided with nonmarketable but economically valuable services. —See Clue 18(D)[lines 51-54]

19. Negative Fact I (A)

Q. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as nonmarketable services provided by the ecosystem EXCEPT

Why? -See Clue 19(A)[lines 38-41]

Why Not? (B) Mentioned in lines 25-26 / (C) Mentioned in lines 45-46 / (D) Mentioned in lines 52-54

20. Inference I (B)

Q. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that the MA believes the general public

Why? (B) can be inferred from the information in lines 55-60.    20{B)[lines    55-60]

Why Not? (A), 1C), (D) Not supported

21. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word epic in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? huge can replace epic in this context -*~See Clue 21(A)[lines 73-74, 75-76]

•    epic adj. surpassing the ordinary or usual, particularly in scope or size

•    huge adj. very large in size, amount, or degree

22. Sentence Simplification I (B)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.  

Why? The MA report makes it evident that humankind has arrived at a point in time // where the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level, // for resolving the planet’s ecological imbalance is an issue too great for single countries or individual people to tackle.

Why Not? (A) Not mentioned

(C)    Information that international cooperation is necessary is left out

(D)    Incorrect

23. Inference I (D)

Q. What can be inferred from paragraph 5 about the solution to the current pollution crisis?

Why? (D) can be inferred from the information in lines 77-82. ^See Clue 23(D)

Why Not? (A) Incorrect / (B) Not mentioned / (C) Incorrect ^See lines 77-82

24. Reference 1 (D)

Q. The word it in the passage refers to

Why? … action to protect the environment from decisions that would exploit it. ^See Clue 24(D)[lines 93-95]

25. Vocabulary I (D)

Q. The word obligation in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? responsibility can replace obligation in this context. **See Clue 25(D)[lines 104-107]

•    obligation n. moral or legal duty and expectation of doing something

•    responsibility n. duty to be in charge of something, so that you make decisions and are accountable

26. Insert Text I [B]

Q. Look at the four squares [|] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why? [A] Environmental problems have reached such epic proportions that any countermeasure will need to be on the scale of an international environmental movement. [B] There are several components to this kind of environmental movement At the base of an effective environmental movement, there must be a change in individuals’ attitudes toward preserving the ecosystem. [C]

► ‘this kind of environmental movement’ in the given sentence refers to ‘an international environmental movement.’ And the decisive clue is the repetition of the phrase ‘environmental movement’ through the three successive sentences.

27. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This ciuestion is worth 2 points.

Why? The research presented in the MA report demonstrates that it is essential to protect the planet’s ecology, even though the task will require major efforts.

Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) Although some natural resources cannot be bought or sold, they nonetheless form critical parts of the Earth’s ecology. Clue 27(B)[lines 25-29] Although some of these assets—like erosion control and cultural heritage— are often underappreciated because they cannot be marketed for economic gain, they are nonetheless very valuable resources.
(C) Preserving the planet’s ecology has the potential to provide people with significant economic returns. Clue 27(C)[lines 65-68] ecologically preserved Canadian wetlands are worth nearly 6,000 US dollars per hectare, but only 2,500 dollars per hectare when intensively farmed
(D) An environmental movement can only succeed if it occurs at both global and individual levels. Clue 27(D)[lines 71-72] the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level [lines 80-82] there must be a change in individuals’ attitudes toward preserving the ecosystem

► The whole passage focuses on the value of our ecosystem and the importance of an environmental movement at the international level. And it follows that <(B) Value of natural resources — (C) Economic returns of preserving the planet’s ecology — (D) Necessity of the environmental movement on global and individual scales) **-See <Graphic Organize/> on p. 333

Why Not? (A) Mentioned in lines 8-10, but minor / (E), (F) Not mentioned


28. (D) 29.(C) 30. (B) 31. (B) 32. (B)  33 (D) 34. (A) 35. (B) 36.(C) 37. (A) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (B) 41. (B), (E), (F)

28. Factual Information  (D)

Q. According to paragraph 1, why did some people expect to find life on Venus?

Why? – See Clue 28<D)[lines 4-9]

► … its size, shape, mass, and age are similar to those of our world.

Why Not? (A), (B) Incorrect **See lines 9-11HC) Not mentioned

29. Vocabulary I (C)

Q. The word dowse in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? create can replace devise in this context. **-See Clue 29(C)[lines 16-20]

•    devise v. to invent a plan to do something

•    create v. to invent or design

30. Vocabulary I (B)

Q. The word contour in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? outlines can replace contours in this context. «-See Clue 30(B)[lines 22-27]

•    contour n. shape of the outer edges of something

•    outline n. line around the edge of something revealing its shape

31. Rhetorical Purpose I (B)

Q. In paragraph 2, the author explains the concept of radar-mapping by

Why? After introducing radar technology, the author explains the concept of radar-mapping by giving an example of radar use in the 1940s and ’50s. See Clue 31(B)[lines 20-21]

32. Reference I (B)

Q. The word they in the passage refers to

Why? Most of these vehicles made use of the same radar technology to image the planet’s surface, but they had greater access through their maneuverability than the Earth-based telescopes as they circled the planet. ^See Clue 32(B)[lines 36-40]

33. Factual Information I (D)

Q. According to paragraph 3, the advantage orbiting spacecraft had over telescopes on Earth was that they

Why? ~ See Clue 33(D)]lines 38^40]

► … they had greater access through their maneuverability than the Earth-based telescopes as they circled

34. Sentence Simplification I (A)

Q. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

Why? Yet even though the surface of the planet Venus appears very different from that of the Earth, // in terms of structure the two are somewhat comparable, suggesting // that similar geological forces may have been responsible for shaping the outer shells of both worlds.

Why Not? (B), (D) Incorrect

(C) Information that the surfaces of Venus and Earth look different is left out.

35. Inference I (B)

Q. What can be inferred about Earth from the information in paragraph 5?

Why? (B) can be inferred from the information in lines 63-65. –See Clue 35(B)

36. Rhetorical Purpose I (C)

Q. Why does the author mention the Earth’s oceans in paragraph 6?

Why? The Earth’s oceans are mentioned in order to explain the difference between the surface of Venus and Earth by comparing them. *See Clue 36(C) [lines 79-61]

37. Vocabulary I (A)

Q. The word comprise in the passage is closest in meaning to

Why? include can replace comprise in this context. **See Clue 37(A)[lines 87-88]

•    comprise v. to form part of or be contained in larger group of people or things

•    include v. to make someone or something part of a bigger group or set

38. Inference I (D)

Q. According to paragraph 1. what can be inferred about upcoming missions to Venus?

Why? (D) can be inferred from the information in lines 95-98. »See Clue 38(D)

Why Not? (A)-(C) Not supported

39. Negative Fact I (A)

Q. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as methods used to observe Venus EXCEPT

Why Not? (B) Mentioned in lines 35-36 / (C) Mentioned in line 29 / (D) Mentioned in lines 41-48

40. Insert Text I [B]

Q. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Why Not? [A] Needless to say, the possibility of life on Venus was ruled out by these scientific endeavors. [B] In fact, the planet is one of the least hospitable in the solar system. The thick clouds that hid the surface from astronomers for so long are composed of sulfuric acid, with only trace amounts of water vapor. [C]

41. Prose Summary

Q. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Why? After years of research and the success of many high-tech projects, astronomers have finally been able to gather data about the surface of Venus.

Correct Answer Choices Clues in the passage
(B) Concrete information obtained about the harsh conditions on the surface of Venus makes it clear that there is no life on the planet. Clue 41(B)[lines 49-51] the possibility of life on Venus was ruled out by these scientific endeavors
(E) Though demonstrating many differences, the surfaces of Earth and Venus show signs of having experienced similar geologic phenomena. Clue 41(E)[lines 60-65] even though the surface of the planet Venus appears very different from that of the Earth, in terms of structure the two are somewhat comparable, suggesting that similar geological forces may have been responsible for shaping the outer shells of both worlds
(F) The vast plains and occasional mountainous uprisings of Venus’s surface resemble structural features that can also be observed on Earth. Clue 41(F)[lines 75-761 the majority of the planet is flat

[lines 78-80] Highlands account for only 5-10 percent of the surface area. This would be similar to the appearance of Earth’s surface

► The whole passage focuses on attempts to observe the surface of Venus and the results. And it follows that ((B) Harsh conditions on the surface of Venus —<» (E) Earth and Venus experience similar geologic phenomena — (F) The surface of Venus is similar to that of Earth’s) See <Graphic Organizer> on p. 339

Why Not? (A) Mentioned in lines 28-31, but minor / (C) Not mentioned / (D) Mentioned in lines 16-18, 51-53, but minor

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[PDF + Audio full] Free Download the IELTS Test builder 1 + 2


IELTS Testbuilder is a set of IELTS preparation materials for students who want to practice with the IELTS test set closest to the real test. This series has currently published 2 IELTS Test builders 1 and 2.

Book information
➨ Name: IELTS Testbuilder
➨ Author: Sam McCarter
➨ Content: Each book offers 4 tests close to the real exam
➨ Books for band members 4.0-5.0 or higher to practice, prepare for the exam

The IELTS Test builder is one of the books that bring your own test questions to practice at home, as well as to train yourself as effectively as other Cams.

Specifically, books bring:

  • An IELTS Test builder will have 4 tests on all 4 skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. There should be a total of 8 tests for you to practice the problem yourself.
  • The exam papers are taken from real test or built on the form of the exam will be in the actual IELTS exam. Therefore, when doing the test sets in the IELTS Test builder, you will have a better understanding of the exam structure, summarizing the IELTS knowledge you have learned.
  • The special feature of the IELTS Test builder book is the detailed exam solution at the end of the book. It is very necessary for you to complete the test to compare your answers with your own mistakes and improve the best test skills.
  • Besides, the speaking and writing questions will be guided into the idea of ​​putting in the test so that it is best for each test.
  • This is a useful book for you guys a lot in the preparation process. Exams with specific skills and explanations help you gain access to the IELTS exam.


Set a clear timetable, practice one topic each day with your watch to practice. It is easy for you to put yourself in the position when you take the test to do the exercises according to the schedule.

The exercise book should be suitable for you from band 4-5 and above. If you have just started or do not know anything about IELTS, you can look through the structure of the test, get familiar with IELTS but do not try to solve the problem.

As for you already pretty good level, in the process you solve the problem, if the time is still not in time, do not rush to worry because the test is close to the real problem, not so easy.

Link to download book:

IELTS Test Builder 1: Download

IELTS Test Builder 2: Download

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TOEFL Writing Simple: Advanced Writing Course for TOEFL

TOEFL Writing Simple-Advanced Writing Course.jpg

TOEFL Writing Simple: Advanced Writing Course for TOEFL Tasks 1 & 2: Achieve a TOEFL writing score of 5/5 in 7 days! (Essay writing & Summary Writing) by Marc Roche (Author)

The TOEFL Writing Tets

Prior to taking the TOEFL Test, many candidates are very sure of where their weaknesses lie. This is why they concentrate so much on reading and speaking in English.

Many students invest so much energy in watching American English films and talking to American English speakers. They read, they listen, they write down vocabulary… they invest such a great amount of themselves into reading and speaking in English that they forget about writing.

Recall your own particular TOEFL practice.

You may have avoided practicing your written work skills just because you suspected that reading, listening and speaking in English would get the job done. It makes sense that if you can effectively read and speak in English, then your written work skills ought to be good enough to pass. It also makes sense that if you feel nervous when you have to speak in English, you will be more motivated to perfect your speaking skills.

Unfortunately, writing summaries and essays in English is a skill that must be practiced separately from reading and speaking. It is connected of course, but just because a student can speak fluently in English, or because they can read and understand at a very high level, it does not mean that they can write. Writing is a very important part of academic and professional life, so it carries a lot of weight in the exam. From language and spelling standards to the art of building an essay, the TOEFL exam writing section will require all of your focus, mental energy, and English language knowledge.

Get ready to learn some powerful TOEFL preparation tips and systems.

This book is a complete TOEFL self-study book which focuses on practical English usage.

TOEFL Writing Simple-Advanced Writing Course.jpgYou will learn to hack summary writing and essay writing for instantly better English writing skills.

You will learn how to write the perfect English summary

You will learn how to write the perfect English essay

You will learn practical English usage in writing.

You will learn TOEFL vocabulary for TOEFL IBT

You will look at real TOEFL practice tests

You will look at TOEFL writing samples

You will learn structures and tricks for your writing.

Now you can Download TOEFL Writing Simple: Advanced Writing Course for TOEFL below link here:

Sign up to Download Download for Free  Get it on Amazon 

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Mastering Prepositions for the TOEFL in Five Minutes a Day

Mastering Prepositions for the TOEFL in Five Minutes a Day Workbook by Gail Satter

This is an ESL preposition and vocabulary workbook for students preparing for the TOEFL test and for students who are trying to improve their writing and speaking skills. This workbook successfully teaches two and three-word prepositional expressions quickly and easily. At the same time, it increases vocabulary and understanding of idioms through practice and repetition.

Mastering Prepositions for the TOEFL in Five Minutes a Day Workbook by Gail Satter

Mastering Prepositions for the TOEFL in Five Minutes a Day Workbook by Gail Satter

You can Download Mastering Prepositions for the TOEFL in Five Minutes a Day Workbook by Gail Satter below link here: 

Sign up to Download Download for Free  Get it on Amazon 

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Mastering the Reading Section for the TOEFL iBT

Mastering the Reading Section for the TOEFL iBT

Mastering the Reading Section for the TOEFL iBT by Kathy Spratt

Are you struggling with the Reading section of the TOEFL iBT? Do you keep trying practice tests and wonder why you get questions wrong? Are you looking for strategies for how to answer each question type and how to avoid the most common traps?

If so, this book is for you. Through the chapters of this book, each question type on the TOEFL is explained as well as strategies for choosing the correct answer. It also includes plenty of practice questions with explanations. That way, if you get an answer wrong, you will know why and learn how to avoid falling into those traps on the actual TOEFL test.
This book is certain to help boost your score on the Reading section of the TOEFL iBT.

TOEFL is a registered trademark of the Educational Testing Service, which does not sponsor or endorse this product.

Mastering the Reading Section for the TOEFL iBT

Mastering the Reading Section for the TOEFL iBT


This book assumes you already have basic knowledge of the TOEFL, such as how to register bring to the test site, and so on. I won’t bore you with all that information. You can find the information on those topics at www.ets.org/toefl. The purpose of this book is to teach you str to answer each question type that are straightforward, direct, and simple. With these strategies prepared and confident to take the Reading section. The TOEFL is a costly, stressful test. I w get your goal score so you can move on with your life. So let’s talk TOEFL.

The Reading section comes first on the TOEFL test. As I’ve said, I’m not going to bore you details about how the TOEFL is formatted, but a quick review is probably a good idea.

The TOEFL Reading section has 3 or 4 reading passages. If you have three reading passage hour to complete the reading section. If you have four, you have eighty minutes. You’re given in TOTAL—which means if you’re done one passage quickly, you have more time for then you can see, this divides up to twenty minutes per passage. You must be very careful not to minutes. The most common mistake students make is when they take too much time on the f reading passages and do not have enough time to finish the third. Obviously, this impacts t big way! Now, if you’re given four reading passages, there is good news and bad news. The b they are not going to score one of those passages. They’re putting it on the test to try o material. The good news is that if you have a longer reading section, you will have a sh section.

One more word of caution: if you get four reading passages, do not try to guess which ready not be scored. Do your best on all four.

Each reading passage has 12-14 questions. Most questions are worth one point. The summary question at the end is worth 2 points, and chart questions are worth 3-4 points. If any question is worth point, it will be indicated in the directions. READ ALL DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. The can get on the reading section is 30.

One thing that is very important for you to understand before you take the TOEFL: a lot of what they aren’t experts or don’t have degrees in the subjects on the test. These subjects c psychology, history, art, archaeology, astronomy, biology, biographies, and so on. But this is a and only a language test. As such, all the information you need to answer the ques given to you in the passage.

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Vocabulary Questions

Chapter 2: Detail Questions and Negative Detail Questions

Chapter 3: Inference Questions and Reference Questions

Chapter 4: Purpose Questions

Chapter 5: Sentence Insertion Questions

Chapter 6: Paraphrase Questions

Chapter 7: Summary and Chart Questions

Chapter 8: Final Test

Now you can download Mastering the Reading Section for the TOEFL iBT by Kathy Spratt below link here:

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Professor Winn’s 15 Habits of Highly Successful TOEFL iBT® Candidates

Professor Winn’s 15 Habits of Highly Successful TOEFL iBT® Candidates

Professor Winn’s 15 Habits of Highly Successful TOEFL iBT® Candidates by Winn Trivette II

Professor Winn’s 15 Habits of Highly Successful TOEFL iBT® Candidate is the perfect companion for your TOEFL® exam preparation.

Make the most of your TOEFL® iBT preparation – learn these 15 habits for a high score on the exam. Each habit is drawn from my own decade of experience teaching English and more importantly TOEFL® and IELTS preparation.

Professor Winn’s 15 Habits of Highly Successful TOEFL iBT® Candidates

Professor Winn’s 15 Habits of Highly Successful TOEFL iBT® Candidates

Plan to take the TOEFL® test only once and move on with your life! Adopt these 15 habits now and start preparing for the exam in a more efficient way. Build both English-language and TOEFL® skills needed to help you do your best on the exam.

Gain confidence during your TOEFL® test preparation with these insights to present the exam only once. Then, start living your new future.

Access the Extra Resources File for a huge list of resources to boost your exam prep at home or work. Be ready to use the “hidden skills” you need to save time for you to answer more test questions.

Learn the best move you can make today for success on the test. You know how important a high TOEFL® score helps you reach your personal and professional goals.

Get Professor Winn’s 15 Habits of Highly Successful TOEFL iBT® Candidates today!

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AEHelp’s TOEFL Book 1: Tests, 1,2,3

AEHelp's TOEFL Book 1: Tests, 1,2,3

AEHelp’s TOEFL Book 1: Tests, 1,2,3 Kindle Edition by Adrian Benedek, Evan Keenlyside

AEHelp's TOEFL Book 1: Tests, 1,2,3

AEHelp’s TOEFL Book 1: Tests, 1,2,3

This book is a great tool for students to practice their TOEFL skills. The book is composed of three full-length practice tests, complete answer keys, and complete audio transcripts. The three practice tests contain all of the question types you are likely to see on the TOEFL. For the writing and speaking sections, sample responses have been provided. This book contains everything you need to do well on the TOEFL. If you are looking to improve your TOEFL score, you are in the right place!


* Communication skills for TOEFL success

* Three full-length TOEFL practice exams

* Answer keys and transcripts included

* Full audio included for all sections


Now you can download AEHelp’s TOEFL Book 1: Tests, 1,2,3 Kindle Edition by Adrian Benedek, Evan Keenlyside below link here:

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Barron’s TOEFL iBT 15th Edition by Pamela J. Sharpe Ph.D.

Barron's TOEFL iBT 15th Edition by Pamela J. Sharpe Ph.D.

Barron’s TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and MP3 audio CDs, 15th Edition by Pamela J. Sharpe Ph.D.

The most up-to-date TOEFL test prep manual on the market, the fifteenth edition of Barron’s TOEFL iBT is available in options that include a book with two MP3 CDs or book with two MP3 CDs and CD ROM. The manual presents:

  1. A general overview of the TOEFL iBT
  2. Seven model TOEFL iBT tests with answer explanations and sample writing and speaking responses
  3. A review of required academic skills, including note taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, and synthesizing
  4. A review of language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English

The manual can be purchased with two MP3 CDs or with a CD-ROM and two MP3 CDs. The CD-ROM presents iBT versions of the book’s 7 TOEFL practice tests plus a bonus TOEFL iBT. The tests on the CD-ROM simulate actual test-taking conditions. The MP3 CDs present audio prompts for the Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections of all TOEFL practice exams and exercises in the manual.

System Requirements:

Microsoft® Windows® PC
2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible processor, or Intel Atom™, 1.6GHz or faster processor for netbook class devices
Microsoft® Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 Classic or Windows 10
512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
Speakers and microphone, or an integrated headset with mic
Plug-Ins: Latest versions of Adobe Air (Included on the CD-ROM)

Intel® Core™ Duo 1.83GHz or faster processor
Mac OS X v10.7, and above
512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
Speakers and microphone, or an integrated headset with mic
Plug-Ins: Latest versions of Adobe Air (Included on the CD-ROM)

  TOEFL' s Independent Task; TOEFL' s Integrated Task; university acceptance; Test Preparation; IELTS; TOEFL' s Independent Task; TOEFL' s Integrated Task; university acceptance; Test Preparation; IELTS; TOEFL' s Independent Task; TOEFL' s Integrated Task; university acceptance; Test Preparation; IELTS; TOEFL' s Independent Task; TOEFL' s Integrated Task; university acceptance; Test Preparation; IELTS;
  Writing for the TOEFL iBT Essential Words for the TOEFL, 7th Edition Practice Exercises for the TOEFL with MP3 CD, 8th Edition TOEFL Strategies and Tips with MP3 CDs, 2nd Edition
Product Format Get the guidance you need to succeed on the TOEFL Writing Tasks. Students can test their mastery of TOEFL vocabulary. Preparation for the ITP and the iBT Tests. Detailed, step-by-step coaching designed to help students succeed on the Test of English as a Foreign Language.
Product Highlights This manual prepares students to succeed on the TOEFL’s Independent Task, the all-important essay question, and on the Integrated Task, which combines reading, listening, and writing skills. The author presents a three-step program designed to help students write like native speakers of English. His coaching entails gathering ideas, organizing details, and developing the chosen topic into clear, grammatical written English. He also provides exercises in proofreading and editing. Model essays and model integrated tasks are included for students to read and analyze. Lectures typical of those presented on actual tests are contained on the MP3 CD enclosed with the manual. This revised book is specifically designed for ESL students preparing to take the TOEFL and features updated vocabulary that is seen most often on the exam. It includes: phrases and “purpose” words (for example, define, discuss, claim, etc.) that are used in the speaking and writing sections of the test; new words and phrases, since you are often asked to explain the meaning of a phrase; lists of vocabulary words with definitions, sample sentences, and practice exercises for 500 need-to-know words; detailed advice to help students expand their English language vocabulary, and more. The included practice test with answer key, which is designed to help students evaluate their progress, and increase confidence in their vocabulary skills. This package is designed to prepare students to succeed on both the ITP (Institutional TOEFL Program) and the iBT (Internet Based TOEFL). Updated to reflect the latest TOEFL formats, this book and MP3 CD package presents more than 1,000 practice questions with explanatory answers, as well as example essays and speaking responses. A full-length ITP practice test and a full-length iBT practice test are also included, and are supplemented with instructions for evaluating answers to test questions and determining a test score. The enclosed MP3 CD offers extra practice for the Listening, Speaking, and Integrated Writing sections. This edition includes a bonus chapter with a dictionary of the top 100 academic vocabulary words on the TOEFL, along with ten exercises to test proficiency. An opening Orientation chapter discusses the TOEFL’s five test areas, explains how they are scored, and offers a general test preparation plan. Subsequent chapters set forth detailed strategies and exercises for success in all five test sections of both the iBT and the ITP TOEFL: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Structure, and Writing. Accompanying MP3 CDs complement all of the book’s test strategies. All audio material contained on the compact discs is also presented in printed form in the book’s Audioscripts section. Answer Keys for all questions appear at the back of the book. This book helps students prepare for the TOEFL before they take the test, and it helps them outsmart the TOEFL while they are actually taking the test. The book and MP3 CD program offer valuable TOEFL test preparation when used alone, and it is even more effective when used with Barron’s TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and MP3 audio CDs, 15th Edition.

Table of Contents:

About the Author
Timetable for the TOEFL® iBT

Barron's TOEFL iBT 15th Edition by Pamela J. Sharpe Ph.D.

Barron’s TOEFL iBT 15th Edition by Pamela J. Sharpe Ph.D.

Orientation to the TOEFL® iBT
To the Student: How to Use This Book to Succeed
To the Teacher: Recommendations and Resources
Syllabus Options
FAQs―Frequently Asked Questions About the TOEFL® iBT
Study Habits


Campus Vocabulary
Taking Notes

Model Test 1: Pretest
Model Test 2: Progress Test
Model Test 3: Progress Test
Model Test 4: Progress Test
Model Test 5: Progress Test
Model Test 6: Progress Test
Model Test 7: Progress Test
Model Test 8: CD-ROM Test

Answers and Audio Scripts for Quizzes in Chapter 2
Answers and Audio Scripts for Practice Activities in Chapter 3
Explanatory or Example Answers and Audio Scripts for Model Tests
Model Test 1: Pretest
Model Test 2: Progress Test
Model Test 3: Progress Test
Model Test 4: Progress Test
Model Test 5: Progress Test
Model Test 6: Progress Test
Model Test 7: Progress Test
Model Test 8: CD-ROM Test

Important Background Information
Procedure for Scoring
Reference Charts
Examples of Scoring Model Tests
Score Comparisons
Options for Personal Evaluation

TOEFL Regional Registration Centers
Web Sites for TOEFL
TOEFL® iBT Resource Centers
Glossary of Campus Vocabulary
Barron’s CD-ROM Documentation
Audio CD Tracks

Now you can Free Download Barron’s TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM and MP3 audio CDs, 15th Edition by Pamela J. Sharpe Ph.D. at here: 

Download PDF Book     Audio CD1      Audio CD2

If you can not get the direct download link, Please leave your email below comment & I will send the Ebook + AudioCD for you.

Thank and good luck with TOEFL Exam! 

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Free Download Full Book Set “Check your english vocabulary” by Rawdon Wyatt

Book Set "Check your English vocabulary" by Rawdon Wyatt

Book Set “Check your English vocabulary” by Rawdon Wyatt

The Book Set “Check Your English Vocabulary” is a collection of books by the author Rawdon Wyatt for English learners who want to conquer the IELTS/TOEFL exam in particular. As we all know, improving vocabulary is one of the indispensable aspects of the TOEFL/IELTS exam, especially how we use the vocabulary in the most flexible and effective way.

This book is for beginners of the exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, … or simply to improve vocabulary for work in various fields such as finance, medicine, information technology, study abroad, …

Book Set "Check your English vocabulary" by Rawdon Wyatt

Book Set “Check your English vocabulary” by Rawdon Wyatt

This volume includes collections:

The special is that the “Check your English Vocabulary” Book Set gives readers a new, fun, and exciting approach to vocabulary through small quizzes, puzzles, games … So, learning vocabulary has become more enjoyable and memorable than ever.

How to conquer vocabulary

Tips 1: How to learn vocabulary very effectively is that you write vocabulary on a paper (about 5-10 words), write out next.

Step 1. You look at the meaning of the word and then write down next to words in English turn to the number of words you want to learn.

Step 2. You look at the English words to the Vietnamese side next to the same number of words you want to learn

Step 3. You cover all English words with a piece of paper or anything. You try to remember English words based on its Vietnamese meaning. If you can not remember, you can flip the cover to see the English word and write it on the side. You do it all with the words you need to learn.

Step 4. Similar to step 3, you cover the Vietnamese words of the words you want to learn. Then you try to remember the English words and write them on the side. You repeat steps 3 and 4 repeatedly until you see the word guessing out and seeing means guessing out the word you have succeeded.

The principle of this method is that when you write that action it makes your brain transfer information from the eye through the brain to the handwriting, and then your brain has to remember that word for a while. certain time. Repeat this so many times, your brain will remember for a longer time and you will remember the word too long.


Tip 2: Use stick pointer to learn English

Experiment 2: You buy sticky notes that you can write in the English word of whatever is on your desk as well as in your home and you stick it there. Then when you do not have the intention to learn English vocabulary, but when you see those items, the English word is displayed when you have learned one more time since. So you will gradually from that.

The principle of this method is to repeat an action, an image, you will remember longer and more intuitive.


Tip 3: Learn vocabulary with A4 paper cut into small pieces

Take A4 paper cut into small pieces (small to you) to ensure you have enough meaning of a word in English and its meaning. You write the word English on the one hand, the other you write the meaning of it. You take the paper with English words that follow you when you sit up to open the view is also a very effective way. This method is also called Flash Cards.


Tip 4: Read and listen to English regularly on a variety of topics

Read and listen to English regularly on a variety of topics. Then you will meet new words, write them down and try to read and listen to them repeatedly until you understand what the content of the reading and listening is. Each time, your vocabulary will be added.

Tip 5: Learn vocabulary by learning words of the same meaning, related words, synonyms

When you learn vocabulary, you try to remember the word after that you can find words related to it (word family).
Example: You want to learn from the Act you can find what is the noun of it Action, its adjective is Active, from the original meaning you will write a few more words related to the original.
There are a few vocabulary learning methods, such as Crosswords, Hangman, but these are 5 very effective vocabulary learning experiences. You can choose the appropriate method or you can apply all the methods. at times and circumstances.
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500 Words, Phrases, Idioms for the TOEFL iBT Plus Typing Strategies

500 Words, Phrases, Idioms for the TOEFL iBT Plus Typing Strategies

500 Words, Phrases, Idioms for the TOEFL iBT Plus Typing Strategies by Bruce Stirling


This TOEFL book is different because it uses an integrated vocabulary learning system called recycling. Recycling is simple. Each exercise is divided into four quizzes. Quiz 1, a multiple-choice vocabulary quiz, introduces ten new words. Next, you will do Quiz 2. Quiz 2 is a sentence-completion quiz based on the ten words in Quiz 1. Next, you will do Quiz 3, a spelling quiz. The speaker on the audio file will say the same ten words in turn. You will then have ten seconds to spell each word by saying it and typing it. Finally, you will do Quiz 4. Quiz 4 is a 60-word typing test based on the ten new words you have been recycling through Quizzes 1, 2 and 3, plus words, phrases, and idioms recycled from previous exercises.

500 Words, Phrases, Idioms for the TOEFL iBT Plus Typing Strategies

500 Words, Phrases, Idioms for the TOEFL iBT Plus Typing Strategies


Learn essential rhetorical strategies and a test-proven way to develop opinion-based and fact-based TOEFL essays.

Audio included through Internet download.


Who is this book for?

Are you studying for the TOEFL test? Do you need to learn academic English vocabulary to increase your TOEFL score? Do you also need to improve your typing skills so you can type your TOEFL essays faster and more accurately on test day? If you said “Yes!” to any of these questions, then this book is for you.

Now you can download 500 Words, Phrases, Idioms for the TOEFL iBT Plus Typing Strategies by Bruce Stirling PDF Book below lin here:

Download PDF Book Support Author on Amazon

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4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL 2019-2020

4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL 2019-2020

4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL 2019-2020: Online + Audio by Kaplan Test Prep

Kaplan’s 4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL provides printed exams and expert explanations to help you master your English abilities in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Test-like Listening tracks, realistic practice questions, and additional online resources give you everything you need to succeed on the TOEFL.

We’re so confident 4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL offers all the practice you need to excel on the test that we guarantee it: After studying with our book and online resources, you’ll score higher on the TOEFL.

4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL 2019-2020

4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL 2019-2020

The Most Practice

  • Four full-length practice exams in the book and online
  • Exam-like questions with detailed answer explanations help you build your Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing skills
  • Listening tracks for test-like practice online

Expert Guidance

  • We know the test: The Kaplan team ensures our practice questions and study materials are true to the test
  • Kaplan’s books and practice questions are written by experts who know students—every explanation is written to help you learn
  • We invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams

About the Author

Kaplan Test Prep is a premier provider of educational and career services for individuals, schools and businesses worldwide. Established in 1938, Kaplan is the world leader in the test prep industry. With a comprehensive menu of online offerings, a complete array of print books and digital products, and a global network of certified providers, Kaplan offers preparation for more than 90 standardized tests, including test prep for English language exams such as the IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC as well as for entrance exams for secondary school, college and graduate school, and professional licensing exams for attorneys, physicians and nurses. For Kaplan Test Prep’s global offerings, go to www.kaptestglobal.com.

Now you can download 4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL 2019-2020: Online + Audio by Kaplan Test Prep below link here:

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